Load packages + functions

suppressMessages(silent <- lapply(
    c("sandwich", "lmtest", "tidyverse", "MatchIt", "forestplot", "kableExtra"),
    library, character.only=T))
table = function (..., useNA = 'always') base::table(..., useNA = useNA)

Load phenotype file

 scroll_box(width = "200px", height = "200px")
tab2=tab%>%select(IID, Veg5yr1 ,Age , Sex , BMI,
                 PreviousSmoker, CurrentSmoker,

tab3=tab2[complete.cases(tab2),] #lose only 16 vegetarians from 2328 to 2312
Var1 Freq
0 151998
1 2312
NA 0

1:4 matching without replacement

match.nearest=matchit(Veg5yr1 ~ Age + Sex + BMI +
                          AlcoholFreq +PreviousSmoker+
                          CurrentSmoker + zTownsend+
                          PCA1 + PCA2 + PCA3 +
                          PCA4 + PCA5 ,
                      data=tab3, distance="glm",
#Love plot

## Call:
## matchit(formula = Veg5yr1 ~ Age + Sex + BMI + AlcoholFreq + PreviousSmoker + 
##     CurrentSmoker + zTownsend + PCA1 + PCA2 + PCA3 + PCA4 + PCA5, 
##     data = tab3, method = "nearest", distance = "glm", replace = FALSE, 
##     ratio = 4)
## Summary of Balance for All Data:
##                Means Treated Means Control Std. Mean Diff. Var. Ratio eCDF Mean
## distance              0.0241        0.0148          0.5500     2.1203    0.2010
## Age                  52.6691       56.4053         -0.4819     0.9721    0.1168
## Sex                   1.6600        1.5415          0.2502     0.9042    0.0593
## BMI                  24.8177       26.9676         -0.5067     0.8378    0.1099
## AlcoholFreq           0.4416        0.4992         -0.1159          .    0.0576
## PreviousSmoker        0.3387        0.3595         -0.0441          .    0.0209
## CurrentSmoker         0.0662        0.0761         -0.0398          .    0.0099
## zTownsend             0.2204       -0.0044          0.2107     1.1439    0.0632
## PCA1                -12.1063      -12.1118          0.0026     1.0017    0.0029
## PCA2                  3.6085        3.6753         -0.0361     1.1100    0.0094
## PCA3                 -1.4092       -1.4400          0.0164     1.1058    0.0058
## PCA4                  0.6801        0.8421         -0.0421     1.1349    0.0095
## PCA5                 -0.9769       -1.0674          0.0140     0.9523    0.0098
##                eCDF Max
## distance         0.3038
## Age              0.1935
## Sex              0.1185
## BMI              0.2201
## AlcoholFreq      0.0576
## PreviousSmoker   0.0209
## CurrentSmoker    0.0099
## zTownsend        0.1079
## PCA1             0.0131
## PCA2             0.0184
## PCA3             0.0172
## PCA4             0.0219
## PCA5             0.0297
## Summary of Balance for Matched Data:
##                Means Treated Means Control Std. Mean Diff. Var. Ratio eCDF Mean
## distance              0.0241        0.0241          0.0018     1.0216    0.0000
## Age                  52.6691       52.5763          0.0120     0.9406    0.0137
## Sex                   1.6600        1.6581          0.0041     0.9976    0.0010
## BMI                  24.8177       24.8616         -0.0104     1.2414    0.0123
## AlcoholFreq           0.4416        0.4513         -0.0196          .    0.0097
## PreviousSmoker        0.3387        0.3329          0.0121          .    0.0057
## CurrentSmoker         0.0662        0.0650          0.0048          .    0.0012
## zTownsend             0.2204        0.2329         -0.0117     0.9396    0.0078
## PCA1                -12.1063      -12.1356          0.0139     0.9735    0.0073
## PCA2                  3.6085        3.6183         -0.0053     1.0615    0.0025
## PCA3                 -1.4092       -1.3949         -0.0076     1.0434    0.0039
## PCA4                  0.6801        0.6932         -0.0034     0.9681    0.0040
## PCA5                 -0.9769       -0.8442         -0.0205     0.9282    0.0081
##                eCDF Max Std. Pair Dist.
## distance         0.0013          0.0022
## Age              0.0308          0.8675
## Sex              0.0019          0.8408
## BMI              0.0300          0.7173
## AlcoholFreq      0.0097          0.9729
## PreviousSmoker   0.0057          0.9402
## CurrentSmoker    0.0012          0.4972
## zTownsend        0.0230          1.0571
## PCA1             0.0252          1.0133
## PCA2             0.0091          0.9927
## PCA3             0.0146          1.0668
## PCA4             0.0123          1.0203
## PCA5             0.0198          1.0846
## Sample Sizes:
##           Control Treated
## All        151998    2312
## Matched      9248    2312
## Unmatched  142750       0
## Discarded       0       0

Join matched participants back with full phenotype table.


tab4=tab%>%select(IID, Alanine_aminotransferase_rint:freeTest_rint)%>%select(-c(Glucose_rint,Oestradiol_rint, Rheumatoid_factor_rint))
md=left_join(md, tab4)
## Joining, by = "IID"
## [1] 11560    52

Run glm with same covariates as matching.


Full cohort

Initialize for lm

#Fix shorthand names for derived variables from pheno step


#Arrange vars for plots by category






Category=c("Blood lipids", rep("",6),
           "Hormones", rep("",5),
           "Liver markers",rep("",8),
           "Kidney markers",rep("",5),
           "Minerals", "")

 scroll_box(width = "200px", height = "200px")
out=matrix(NA, nrow=length(phe), ncol=4)
colnames(out)=c("Trait", "Estimate", "SE", "P")

Run lm full cohort, no adj-BMI

#----FULL COHORT, NO BMI--------------------------------------------
for (i in 1:length(phe)){
    fit=lm(md[[phe[i]]] ~ Veg5yr1 + Age + Sex + AlcoholFreq +
               PreviousSmoker +CurrentSmoker+ 
               zTownsend+PCA1 + PCA2 + PCA3 +
               PCA4 + PCA5, data = md, na.action = na.exclude)
    #Cluster-robust standard errors
    co=coeftest(fit, vcov. = vcovCL, cluster = ~subclass)["Veg5yr1",,drop=FALSE]

out[2:4]=sapply(out[2:4], as.numeric)
 scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
Trait Estimate SE P
Apolipoprotein_A_rint -0.0678330 0.0207699 0.0010948
Apolipoprotein_B_rint -0.1817707 0.0225360 0.0000000
HDL_cholesterol_rint -0.1434914 0.0203234 0.0000000
LDL_direct_rint -0.1813523 0.0224368 0.0000000
Lipoprotein_A_rint -0.0624893 0.0259647 0.0161178
Cholesterol_rint -0.1917923 0.0224022 0.0000000
Triglycerides_rint 0.2139828 0.0221433 0.0000000
IGF_1_rint -0.2074448 0.0224744 0.0000000
Vitamin_D_rint -0.3838228 0.0262896 0.0000000
Bioavailable_testosterone_rint -0.0272579 0.0163224 0.0949612
Free_testosterone_rint -0.0198628 0.0160244 0.2151820
Testosterone_rint -0.0240502 0.0152004 0.1136363
SHBG_rint -0.0116386 0.0220862 0.5982308
Alanine_aminotransferase_rint -0.1505136 0.0216690 0.0000000
Albumin_rint -0.0671204 0.0242745 0.0057015
Alkaline_phosphatase_rint 0.1340596 0.0225922 0.0000000
Aspartate_aminotransferase_rint 0.0341174 0.0221578 0.1236501
C_reactive_protein_rint -0.0551381 0.0234842 0.0188979
Gamma_glutamyltransferase_rint -0.1553539 0.0216983 0.0000000
Direct_bilirubin_rint -0.0115609 0.0248624 0.6419465
Total_bilirubin_rint -0.0249462 0.0225235 0.2680742
Total_protein_rint -0.0705408 0.0247022 0.0043036
Creatinine_rint -0.4428694 0.0176538 0.0000000
Cystatin_C_rint 0.3319466 0.0201453 0.0000000
eGFR_rint -0.0208691 0.0199177 0.2947694
HbA1c_rint 0.0120977 0.0211105 0.5666120
Urate_rint -0.1709024 0.0184686 0.0000000
Urea_rint -0.6144779 0.0230717 0.0000000
Calcium_rint -0.0771083 0.0253304 0.0023397
Phosphate_rint 0.0131200 0.0252895 0.6039165

Add confidence intervals and round long decimals:

#CI range
#Round digits
out$Estimateround=format(round(out$Estimate, digits=3), digits=3)
out$SEround=format(round(out$SE, digits=3), digits=3)
out$Pround=ifelse(out$P < 0.001, 
                  formatC(out$P, digits=1, format="e"), 
                  formatC(out$P, digits=3, format="f"))

Same exact thing as above but with adj-BMI

for (i in 1:length(phe)){
fit=lm(md[[phe[i]]] ~ Veg5yr1 + Age + Sex + BMI + AlcoholFreq +
                PreviousSmoker +CurrentSmoker+ 
                zTownsend+PCA1 + PCA2 + PCA3 +
               PCA4 + PCA5, data = md, na.action = na.exclude)

#Cluster-robust standard errors
co=coeftest(fit, vcov. = vcovCL, cluster = ~subclass)["Veg5yr1",,drop=FALSE]

outBMI[2:4]=sapply(outBMI[2:4], as.numeric)
#Round digits
outBMI$Estimateround=format(round(outBMI$Estimate, digits=3), digits=3)
outBMI$SEround=format(round(outBMI$SE, digits=3), digits=3)
outBMI$Pround=ifelse(outBMI$P < 0.001, 
            formatC(outBMI$P, digits=1, format="e"), 
            formatC(outBMI$P, digits=3, format="f"))

Get sample sizes

ntot=sapply(md[phe], function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))
ncontr=md%>%filter(Veg5yr1==0)%>%select(all_of(phe))%>%sapply(function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))
ncase=md%>%filter(Veg5yr1==1)%>%select(all_of(phe))%>%sapply(function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))

Make Forest plots


Forest plot: Full cohort, no BMI

# FULL, NO BMI --------------------------------------------------

out$Trait=gsub(out$Trait, pattern = "_", replacement = " ")
out$Trait=gsub(out$Trait, pattern = " rint", replacement="")

out$samp=paste(ncase,ncontr, sep= "/")
out=out%>%select(Trait, Estimateround, Pround, samp,everything())

out=cbind(Category, out)

#Add header
              Estimateround= "β Veg.",
              samp="N (Veg./Non-veg.)")

out2=bind_rows(header, out)
 scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
Category Trait Estimateround Pround samp Estimate SE P upper lower SEround
Category Biomarker β Veg. P N (Veg./Non-veg.) NA NA NA NA NA NA
Blood lipids Apolipoprotein A -0.068 0.001 2011/8021 -0.0678330 0.0207699 0.0010948 -0.0271239 -0.1085421 0.021
Apolipoprotein B -0.182 8.0e-16 2197/8786 -0.1817707 0.0225360 0.0000000 -0.1376001 -0.2259412 0.023
HDL cholesterol -0.143 1.8e-12 2026/8075 -0.1434914 0.0203234 0.0000000 -0.1036575 -0.1833253 0.020
LDL direct -0.181 7.0e-16 2212/8808 -0.1813523 0.0224368 0.0000000 -0.1373761 -0.2253284 0.022
Lipoprotein A -0.062 0.016 1774/7068 -0.0624893 0.0259647 0.0161178 -0.0115984 -0.1133801 0.026
Cholesterol -0.192 1.3e-17 2215/8826 -0.1917923 0.0224022 0.0000000 -0.1478840 -0.2357007 0.022
Triglycerides 0.214 5.3e-22 2212/8819 0.2139828 0.0221433 0.0000000 0.2573838 0.1705818 0.022
Hormones IGF 1 -0.207 3.2e-20 2201/8785 -0.2074448 0.0224744 0.0000000 -0.1633950 -0.2514947 0.022
Vitamin D -0.384 8.2e-48 2130/8521 -0.3838228 0.0262896 0.0000000 -0.3322952 -0.4353504 0.026
Bioavailable testosterone -0.027 0.095 1743/6981 -0.0272579 0.0163224 0.0949612 0.0047340 -0.0592498 0.016
Free testosterone -0.020 0.215 1784/7220 -0.0198628 0.0160244 0.2151820 0.0115451 -0.0512707 0.016
Testosterone -0.024 0.114 1919/7672 -0.0240502 0.0152004 0.1136363 0.0057427 -0.0538430 0.015
SHBG -0.012 0.598 2005/7995 -0.0116386 0.0220862 0.5982308 0.0316503 -0.0549275 0.022
Liver markers Alanine aminotransferase -0.151 4.0e-12 2212/8827 -0.1505136 0.0216690 0.0000000 -0.1080423 -0.1929850 0.022
Albumin -0.067 0.006 2026/8075 -0.0671204 0.0242745 0.0057015 -0.0195425 -0.1146984 0.024
Alkaline phosphatase 0.134 3.0e-09 2215/8826 0.1340596 0.0225922 0.0000000 0.1783404 0.0897789 0.023
Aspartate aminotransferase 0.034 0.124 2206/8792 0.0341174 0.0221578 0.1236501 0.0775466 -0.0093118 0.022
C reactive protein -0.055 0.019 2202/8812 -0.0551381 0.0234842 0.0188979 -0.0091092 -0.1011671 0.023
Gamma glutamyltransferase -0.155 8.6e-13 2212/8819 -0.1553539 0.0216983 0.0000000 -0.1128252 -0.1978826 0.022
Direct bilirubin -0.012 0.642 1888/7560 -0.0115609 0.0248624 0.6419465 0.0371694 -0.0602912 0.025
Total bilirubin -0.025 0.268 2206/8787 -0.0249462 0.0225235 0.2680742 0.0191998 -0.0690923 0.023
Total protein -0.071 0.004 2026/8074 -0.0705408 0.0247022 0.0043036 -0.0221246 -0.1189571 0.025
Kidney markers Creatinine -0.443 4.1e-135 2212/8822 -0.4428694 0.0176538 0.0000000 -0.4082680 -0.4774709 0.018
Cystatin C 0.332 2.8e-60 2213/8830 0.3319466 0.0201453 0.0000000 0.3714314 0.2924619 0.020
eGFR -0.021 0.295 2210/8820 -0.0208691 0.0199177 0.2947694 0.0181696 -0.0599077 0.020
HbA1c 0.012 0.567 2198/8782 0.0120977 0.0211105 0.5666120 0.0534742 -0.0292788 0.021
Urate -0.171 2.6e-20 2209/8817 -0.1709024 0.0184686 0.0000000 -0.1347039 -0.2071009 0.018
Urea -0.614 1.6e-151 2212/8821 -0.6144779 0.0230717 0.0000000 -0.5692574 -0.6596983 0.023
Minerals Calcium -0.077 0.002 2025/8072 -0.0771083 0.0253304 0.0023397 -0.0274608 -0.1267559 0.025
Phosphate 0.013 0.604 2023/8055 0.0131200 0.0252895 0.6039165 0.0626873 -0.0364473 0.025
#png("forest.fullnoBMI.png",width = 13, height = 8, units = 'in', res = 600)

forestplot(out2, mean="Estimate", 
           labeltext=c("Category", "Trait","Estimateround", "Pround", "samp"),
            lower="lower", upper="upper",
           boxsize = 0.4, 
           hrzl_lines = list("2" = gpar(lty = 2)),
           col=fpColors(box = "black",
                       line = "black"),
           vertices = TRUE,
           zero = 0,
           mar = unit(c(0,0.5,0,0.5), "in"),
           xlab = "Standardized veg. effect ± 95% CI (no BMI covar.)",
           txt_gp = fpTxtGp(xlab  = gpar(cex = 1.),
                            ticks = gpar(fontfamily = "", cex = 1)
           ) %>% fp_set_zebra_style("#F7F7F7")


outplot$Pround = cell_spec(outplot$Pround, 
            color=ifelse(as.double(outplot$Pround) <0.0017 , "#36E072", "grey"))

colnames(outplot)=c("Category", "Trait", "BetaVeg",  "P", "N (veg/non-veg)","estimateexact", "SEexact","pexact", "upper", "lower", "SE")

outplot%>%select(Trait, BetaVeg,SE, P, `N (veg/non-veg)`)%>%
     kbl(booktabs = T, linesep = "", escape=FALSE,align="l") %>%
  kable_classic_2(full_width = F)
Trait BetaVeg SE P N (veg/non-veg)
Apolipoprotein A -0.068 0.021 0.001 2011/8021
Apolipoprotein B -0.182 0.023 8.0e-16 2197/8786
HDL cholesterol -0.143 0.020 1.8e-12 2026/8075
LDL direct -0.181 0.022 7.0e-16 2212/8808
Lipoprotein A -0.062 0.026 0.016 1774/7068
Cholesterol -0.192 0.022 1.3e-17 2215/8826
Triglycerides 0.214 0.022 5.3e-22 2212/8819
IGF 1 -0.207 0.022 3.2e-20 2201/8785
Vitamin D -0.384 0.026 8.2e-48 2130/8521
Bioavailable testosterone -0.027 0.016 0.095 1743/6981
Free testosterone -0.020 0.016 0.215 1784/7220
Testosterone -0.024 0.015 0.114 1919/7672
SHBG -0.012 0.022 0.598 2005/7995
Alanine aminotransferase -0.151 0.022 4.0e-12 2212/8827
Albumin -0.067 0.024 0.006 2026/8075
Alkaline phosphatase 0.134 0.023 3.0e-09 2215/8826
Aspartate aminotransferase 0.034 0.022 0.124 2206/8792
C reactive protein -0.055 0.023 0.019 2202/8812
Gamma glutamyltransferase -0.155 0.022 8.6e-13 2212/8819
Direct bilirubin -0.012 0.025 0.642 1888/7560
Total bilirubin -0.025 0.023 0.268 2206/8787
Total protein -0.071 0.025 0.004 2026/8074
Creatinine -0.443 0.018 4.1e-135 2212/8822
Cystatin C 0.332 0.020 2.8e-60 2213/8830
eGFR -0.021 0.020 0.295 2210/8820
HbA1c 0.012 0.021 0.567 2198/8782
Urate -0.171 0.018 2.6e-20 2209/8817
Urea -0.614 0.023 1.6e-151 2212/8821
Calcium -0.077 0.025 0.002 2025/8072
Phosphate 0.013 0.025 0.604 2023/8055

Forest plot: Full cohort, adj-BMI


outBMI$Trait=gsub(outBMI$Trait, pattern = "_", replacement = " ")
outBMI$Trait=gsub(outBMI$Trait, pattern = " rint", replacement="")

outBMI$samp=paste(ncase,ncontr, sep= "/")
outBMI=outBMI%>%select(Trait, Estimateround, Pround, samp,everything())

outBMI=cbind(Category, outBMI)

#Add header
              Estimateround= "β Veg.",
              samp="N (Veg./Non-veg.)")

outBMI2=bind_rows(header, outBMI)
 scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
Category Trait Estimateround Pround samp Estimate SE P upper lower SEround
Category Biomarker β Veg. P N (Veg./Non-veg.) NA NA NA NA NA NA
Blood lipids Apolipoprotein A -0.076 2.2e-04 2011/8021 -0.0756386 0.0204772 0.0002221 -0.0355033 -0.1157739 0.020
Apolipoprotein B -0.175 1.0e-15 2197/8786 -0.1754499 0.0218384 0.0000000 -0.1326466 -0.2182532 0.022
HDL cholesterol -0.155 3.8e-15 2026/8075 -0.1550842 0.0196969 0.0000000 -0.1164783 -0.1936901 0.020
LDL direct -0.176 1.1e-15 2212/8808 -0.1758329 0.0218950 0.0000000 -0.1329188 -0.2187470 0.022
Lipoprotein A -0.062 0.016 1774/7068 -0.0624393 0.0259677 0.0162150 -0.0115426 -0.1133359 0.026
Cholesterol -0.188 1.9e-17 2215/8826 -0.1882372 0.0221170 0.0000000 -0.1448880 -0.2315865 0.022
Triglycerides 0.223 4.0e-26 2212/8819 0.2230082 0.0210410 0.0000000 0.2642486 0.1817678 0.021
Hormones IGF 1 -0.209 2.1e-20 2201/8785 -0.2085186 0.0224777 0.0000000 -0.1644622 -0.2525750 0.022
Vitamin D -0.388 2.1e-49 2130/8521 -0.3875943 0.0260985 0.0000000 -0.3364412 -0.4387474 0.026
Bioavailable testosterone -0.026 0.107 1743/6981 -0.0262846 0.0163052 0.1069897 0.0056736 -0.0582427 0.016
Free testosterone -0.016 0.314 1784/7220 -0.0158583 0.0157441 0.3138386 0.0150001 -0.0467168 0.016
Testosterone -0.024 0.108 1919/7672 -0.0244041 0.0151854 0.1080713 0.0053593 -0.0541675 0.015
SHBG -0.027 0.187 2005/7995 -0.0272222 0.0206457 0.1873517 0.0132433 -0.0676877 0.021
Liver markers Alanine aminotransferase -0.144 6.6e-12 2212/8827 -0.1438391 0.0209243 0.0000000 -0.1028275 -0.1848506 0.021
Albumin -0.072 0.003 2026/8075 -0.0723362 0.0241263 0.0027221 -0.0250487 -0.1196237 0.024
Alkaline phosphatase 0.139 4.4e-10 2215/8826 0.1386650 0.0222002 0.0000000 0.1821775 0.0951525 0.022
Aspartate aminotransferase 0.036 0.108 2206/8792 0.0355081 0.0220870 0.1079411 0.0787985 -0.0077824 0.022
C reactive protein -0.044 0.045 2202/8812 -0.0437832 0.0218261 0.0448801 -0.0010041 -0.0865623 0.022
Gamma glutamyltransferase -0.149 2.1e-12 2212/8819 -0.1486769 0.0211324 0.0000000 -0.1072574 -0.1900965 0.021
Direct bilirubin -0.015 0.534 1888/7560 -0.0153855 0.0247425 0.5340727 0.0331099 -0.0638809 0.025
Total bilirubin -0.028 0.211 2206/8787 -0.0280535 0.0224274 0.2110127 0.0159042 -0.0720111 0.022
Total protein -0.069 0.005 2026/8074 -0.0692859 0.0247195 0.0050744 -0.0208357 -0.1177360 0.025
Kidney markers Creatinine -0.440 1.7e-135 2212/8822 -0.4402147 0.0175224 0.0000000 -0.4058707 -0.4745586 0.018
Cystatin C 0.338 9.9e-66 2213/8830 0.3384178 0.0196317 0.0000000 0.3768959 0.2999397 0.020
eGFR -0.027 0.172 2210/8820 -0.0266182 0.0195047 0.1723731 0.0116110 -0.0648475 0.020
HbA1c 0.014 0.506 2198/8782 0.0139620 0.0210049 0.5062564 0.0551317 -0.0272077 0.021
Urate -0.162 1.8e-20 2209/8817 -0.1621743 0.0174480 0.0000000 -0.1279762 -0.1963724 0.017
Urea -0.613 2.3e-151 2212/8821 -0.6126775 0.0230157 0.0000000 -0.5675668 -0.6577882 0.023
Minerals Calcium -0.078 0.002 2025/8072 -0.0776592 0.0253446 0.0021888 -0.0279838 -0.1273346 0.025
Phosphate 0.010 0.688 2023/8055 0.0101137 0.0252014 0.6881971 0.0595085 -0.0392811 0.025
# outBMI=rbind(colnames(outBMI),outBMI)
# outBMI=as.matrix(outBMI)

#tiff("forest.fullBMI.tiff",width = 13, height = 8, units = 'in', res = 600)

forestplot(outBMI2, mean="Estimate", 
           labeltext=c("Category", "Trait","Estimateround", "Pround", "samp"),
           lower="lower", upper="upper",
           boxsize = 0.4, 
           hrzl_lines = list("2" = gpar(lty = 2)),
           col=fpColors(box = "#36E072",
                        line = "black"),
           vertices = TRUE,
           zero = 0,
           mar = unit(c(0,0.5,0,0.5), "in"),
           xlab = "Standardized veg. effect ± 95% CI",
           txt_gp = fpTxtGp(xlab  = gpar(cex = 1.),
                            ticks = gpar(fontfamily = "", cex = 1)
)%>% fp_set_zebra_style("#F7F7F7")


outBMIplot$Pround = cell_spec(outBMIplot$Pround, 
                           color=ifelse(as.double(outBMIplot$Pround) <(0.05/30), "#36E072", "grey"))

colnames(outBMIplot)=c("Category", "Trait", "BetaVeg",  "P", "N (veg/non-veg)","estimateexact", "SEexact","pexact", "upper", "lower", "SE")

outBMIplot%>%select(Trait, BetaVeg,SE, P, `N (veg/non-veg)`)%>%
    kbl(booktabs = T, linesep = "", escape=FALSE,align="l") %>%
    kable_classic_2(full_width = F)
Trait BetaVeg SE P N (veg/non-veg)
Apolipoprotein A -0.076 0.020 2.2e-04 2011/8021
Apolipoprotein B -0.175 0.022 1.0e-15 2197/8786
HDL cholesterol -0.155 0.020 3.8e-15 2026/8075
LDL direct -0.176 0.022 1.1e-15 2212/8808
Lipoprotein A -0.062 0.026 0.016 1774/7068
Cholesterol -0.188 0.022 1.9e-17 2215/8826
Triglycerides 0.223 0.021 4.0e-26 2212/8819
IGF 1 -0.209 0.022 2.1e-20 2201/8785
Vitamin D -0.388 0.026 2.1e-49 2130/8521
Bioavailable testosterone -0.026 0.016 0.107 1743/6981
Free testosterone -0.016 0.016 0.314 1784/7220
Testosterone -0.024 0.015 0.108 1919/7672
SHBG -0.027 0.021 0.187 2005/7995
Alanine aminotransferase -0.144 0.021 6.6e-12 2212/8827
Albumin -0.072 0.024 0.003 2026/8075
Alkaline phosphatase 0.139 0.022 4.4e-10 2215/8826
Aspartate aminotransferase 0.036 0.022 0.108 2206/8792
C reactive protein -0.044 0.022 0.045 2202/8812
Gamma glutamyltransferase -0.149 0.021 2.1e-12 2212/8819
Direct bilirubin -0.015 0.025 0.534 1888/7560
Total bilirubin -0.028 0.022 0.211 2206/8787
Total protein -0.069 0.025 0.005 2026/8074
Creatinine -0.440 0.018 1.7e-135 2212/8822
Cystatin C 0.338 0.020 9.9e-66 2213/8830
eGFR -0.027 0.020 0.172 2210/8820
HbA1c 0.014 0.021 0.506 2198/8782
Urate -0.162 0.017 1.8e-20 2209/8817
Urea -0.613 0.023 2.3e-151 2212/8821
Calcium -0.078 0.025 0.002 2025/8072
Phosphate 0.010 0.025 0.688 2023/8055
#%>%save_kable(file = "table.forest.fullBMI.png", zoom=5)

Sex-stratified models

Initialize for lm


#Linear model with covariates

outM=matrix(NA, nrow=length(phe), ncol=4)
outF=matrix(NA, nrow=length(phe), ncol=4)
colnames(outM)=c("Trait", "Estimate", "SE", "P")
colnames(outF)=c("Trait", "Estimate", "SE", "P")

Run lm sex-stratified

for (i in 1:length(phe)){
    fitM[[i]] <- lm(mdM[[phe[i]]] ~ Veg5yr1 + Age + AlcoholFreq +
                       PreviousSmoker +CurrentSmoker+ 
                       zTownsend+PCA1 + PCA2 + PCA3 +
                       PCA4 + PCA5, data = mdM, na.action = na.exclude)
    fitF[[i]] <- lm(mdF[[phe[i]]] ~ Veg5yr1 + Age + AlcoholFreq +
                        PreviousSmoker +CurrentSmoker+ 
                        zTownsend+PCA1 + PCA2 + PCA3 +
                        PCA4 + PCA5, data = mdF, na.action = na.exclude)
    #Cluster-robust standard errors
    coM=coeftest(fitM[[i]], vcov. = vcovCL, cluster = ~subclass)["Veg5yr1",,drop=FALSE]
    coF=coeftest(fitF[[i]], vcov. = vcovCL, cluster = ~subclass)["Veg5yr1",,drop=FALSE]

outM[2:4]=sapply(outM[2:4], as.numeric)
    scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
Trait Estimate SE P
Apolipoprotein_A_rint -0.0952853 0.0364059 0.0089011
Apolipoprotein_B_rint -0.2207853 0.0392515 0.0000000
HDL_cholesterol_rint -0.1641141 0.0366923 0.0000080
LDL_direct_rint -0.2332525 0.0379934 0.0000000
Lipoprotein_A_rint 0.0328448 0.0437274 0.4526356
Cholesterol_rint -0.2397004 0.0385400 0.0000000
Triglycerides_rint 0.1819623 0.0423750 0.0000180
IGF_1_rint -0.1470875 0.0361661 0.0000486
Vitamin_D_rint -0.3399957 0.0445313 0.0000000
Bioavailable_testosterone_rint -0.0136650 0.0271881 0.6152724
Free_testosterone_rint -0.0271668 0.0256020 0.2887110
Testosterone_rint -0.0054171 0.0258406 0.8339647
SHBG_rint 0.0084908 0.0338931 0.8022022
Alanine_aminotransferase_rint -0.1786818 0.0380667 0.0000028
Albumin_rint -0.0725563 0.0392101 0.0643339
Alkaline_phosphatase_rint 0.0918610 0.0371810 0.0135309
Aspartate_aminotransferase_rint -0.0138357 0.0380193 0.7159433
C_reactive_protein_rint -0.0217979 0.0397824 0.5837734
Gamma_glutamyltransferase_rint -0.1839996 0.0335011 0.0000000
Direct_bilirubin_rint 0.0016235 0.0401377 0.9677389
Total_bilirubin_rint -0.0049710 0.0365885 0.8919374
Total_protein_rint -0.1212301 0.0407742 0.0029672
Creatinine_rint -0.5932464 0.0287057 0.0000000
Cystatin_C_rint 0.2584474 0.0326227 0.0000000
eGFR_rint 0.0270818 0.0333761 0.4171801
HbA1c_rint -0.0579008 0.0390234 0.1379605
Urate_rint -0.2125853 0.0301554 0.0000000
Urea_rint -0.6485103 0.0392898 0.0000000
Calcium_rint -0.1079126 0.0410376 0.0085861
Phosphate_rint -0.0043175 0.0457044 0.9247453
outF[2:4]=sapply(outF[2:4], as.numeric)
    scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
Trait Estimate SE P
Apolipoprotein_A_rint -0.0537930 0.0258712 0.0376326
Apolipoprotein_B_rint -0.1610183 0.0276138 0.0000000
HDL_cholesterol_rint -0.1338099 0.0252510 0.0000001
LDL_direct_rint -0.1533478 0.0278392 0.0000000
Lipoprotein_A_rint -0.1128965 0.0324002 0.0004968
Cholesterol_rint -0.1668960 0.0272094 0.0000000
Triglycerides_rint 0.2294534 0.0255783 0.0000000
IGF_1_rint -0.2393446 0.0284029 0.0000000
Vitamin_D_rint -0.4082598 0.0325304 0.0000000
Bioavailable_testosterone_rint -0.0362555 0.0204403 0.0761658
Free_testosterone_rint -0.0145430 0.0204022 0.4759896
Testosterone_rint -0.0361472 0.0188108 0.0547023
SHBG_rint -0.0249352 0.0282841 0.3780273
Alanine_aminotransferase_rint -0.1360117 0.0258480 0.0000001
Albumin_rint -0.0657714 0.0303187 0.0300928
Alkaline_phosphatase_rint 0.1533666 0.0280940 0.0000000
Aspartate_aminotransferase_rint 0.0583374 0.0267167 0.0290268
C_reactive_protein_rint -0.0729257 0.0297921 0.0143957
Gamma_glutamyltransferase_rint -0.1426310 0.0278650 0.0000003
Direct_bilirubin_rint -0.0185505 0.0316874 0.5582862
Total_bilirubin_rint -0.0356154 0.0288654 0.2173023
Total_protein_rint -0.0436369 0.0307202 0.1555203
Creatinine_rint -0.3648762 0.0221789 0.0000000
Cystatin_C_rint 0.3706779 0.0255587 0.0000000
eGFR_rint -0.0457096 0.0250802 0.0684152
HbA1c_rint 0.0489391 0.0247224 0.0477929
Urate_rint -0.1482158 0.0231485 0.0000000
Urea_rint -0.5982422 0.0280654 0.0000000
Calcium_rint -0.0598459 0.0313665 0.0564403
Phosphate_rint 0.0206362 0.0297469 0.4878791

Add confidence intervals and round long decimals:

outM$Estimateround=format(round(outM$Estimate, digits=3), digits=3)
outM$SEround=format(round(outM$SE, digits=3), digits=3)
outM$Pround=ifelse(outM$P < 0.001, 
                  formatC(outM$P, digits=1, format="e"), 
                  formatC(outM$P, digits=3, format="f"))

outF$Estimateround=format(round(outF$Estimate, digits=3), digits=3)
outF$SEround=format(round(outF$SE, digits=3), digits=3)
outF$Pround=ifelse(outF$P < 0.001, 
                   formatC(outF$P, digits=1, format="e"), 
                   formatC(outF$P, digits=3, format="f"))

Get sample sizes

ncontrM=md%>%filter(Veg5yr1==0, Sex==1)%>%select(all_of(phe))%>%sapply(function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))
ncaseM=md%>%filter(Veg5yr1==1, Sex==1)%>%select(all_of(phe))%>%sapply(function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))
ncontrF=md%>%filter(Veg5yr1==0, Sex==2)%>%select(all_of(phe))%>%sapply(function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))
ncaseF=md%>%filter(Veg5yr1==1, Sex==2)%>%select(all_of(phe))%>%sapply(function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))

outM$samp=paste(ncaseM,ncontrM, sep= "/")
outF$samp=paste(ncaseF,ncontrF, sep= "/")
tot=rbind(outM, outF)

Forest plots sex-stratified no-BMI

tot$Trait=gsub(out$Trait, pattern = "_", replacement = " ")
tot$Trait=gsub(out$Trait, pattern = " rint", replacement="")
    scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
Trait Estimate SE P Sex upper lower Estimateround SEround Pround samp
Apolipoprotein A -0.0952853 0.0364059 0.0089011 Male -0.0239298 -0.1666409 -0.095 0.036 0.009 687/2798
Apolipoprotein B -0.2207853 0.0392515 0.0000000 Male -0.1438524 -0.2977183 -0.221 0.039 2.0e-08 745/3014
HDL cholesterol -0.1641141 0.0366923 0.0000080 Male -0.0921972 -0.2360310 -0.164 0.037 8.0e-06 689/2800
LDL direct -0.2332525 0.0379934 0.0000000 Male -0.1587854 -0.3077196 -0.233 0.038 9.1e-10 757/3025
Lipoprotein A 0.0328448 0.0437274 0.4526356 Male 0.1185506 -0.0528610 0.033 0.044 0.453 608/2415
Cholesterol -0.2397004 0.0385400 0.0000000 Male -0.1641620 -0.3152388 -0.240 0.039 5.5e-10 758/3030
Triglycerides 0.1819623 0.0423750 0.0000180 Male 0.2650173 0.0989073 0.182 0.042 1.8e-05 756/3027
IGF 1 -0.1470875 0.0361661 0.0000486 Male -0.0762020 -0.2179730 -0.147 0.036 4.9e-05 752/3013
Vitamin D -0.3399957 0.0445313 0.0000000 Male -0.2527144 -0.4272770 -0.340 0.045 2.9e-14 738/2956
Bioavailable testosterone -0.0136650 0.0271881 0.6152724 Male 0.0396238 -0.0669537 -0.014 0.027 0.615 679/2761
Free testosterone -0.0271668 0.0256020 0.2887110 Male 0.0230132 -0.0773468 -0.027 0.026 0.289 678/2767
Testosterone -0.0054171 0.0258406 0.8339647 Male 0.0452305 -0.0560646 -0.005 0.026 0.834 751/2994
SHBG 0.0084908 0.0338931 0.8022022 Male 0.0749213 -0.0579397 0.008 0.034 0.802 682/2783
Alanine aminotransferase -0.1786818 0.0380667 0.0000028 Male -0.1040710 -0.2532925 -0.179 0.038 2.8e-06 755/3029
Albumin -0.0725563 0.0392101 0.0643339 Male 0.0042956 -0.1494082 -0.073 0.039 0.064 688/2800
Alkaline phosphatase 0.0918610 0.0371810 0.0135309 Male 0.1647358 0.0189862 0.092 0.037 0.014 758/3030
Aspartate aminotransferase -0.0138357 0.0380193 0.7159433 Male 0.0606821 -0.0883536 -0.014 0.038 0.716 754/3020
C reactive protein -0.0217979 0.0397824 0.5837734 Male 0.0561756 -0.0997715 -0.022 0.040 0.584 750/3023
Gamma glutamyltransferase -0.1839996 0.0335011 0.0000000 Male -0.1183374 -0.2496618 -0.184 0.034 4.2e-08 757/3026
Direct bilirubin 0.0016235 0.0401377 0.9677389 Male 0.0802933 -0.0770464 0.002 0.040 0.968 704/2844
Total bilirubin -0.0049710 0.0365885 0.8919374 Male 0.0667425 -0.0766845 -0.005 0.037 0.892 755/3018
Total protein -0.1212301 0.0407742 0.0029672 Male -0.0413128 -0.2011475 -0.121 0.041 0.003 689/2802
Creatinine -0.5932464 0.0287057 0.0000000 Male -0.5369832 -0.6495095 -0.593 0.029 5.6e-90 756/3029
Cystatin C 0.2584474 0.0326227 0.0000000 Male 0.3223879 0.1945069 0.258 0.033 3.0e-15 757/3029
eGFR 0.0270818 0.0333761 0.4171801 Male 0.0924989 -0.0383353 0.027 0.033 0.417 755/3028
HbA1c -0.0579008 0.0390234 0.1379605 Male 0.0185850 -0.1343866 -0.058 0.039 0.138 748/3008
Urate -0.2125853 0.0301554 0.0000000 Male -0.1534806 -0.2716900 -0.213 0.030 2.1e-12 757/3026
Urea -0.6485103 0.0392898 0.0000000 Male -0.5715022 -0.7255184 -0.649 0.039 3.8e-59 757/3029
Calcium -0.1079126 0.0410376 0.0085861 Male -0.0274790 -0.1883462 -0.108 0.041 0.009 687/2802
Phosphate -0.0043175 0.0457044 0.9247453 Male 0.0852632 -0.0938982 -0.004 0.046 0.925 688/2791
Apolipoprotein A -0.0537930 0.0258712 0.0376326 Female -0.0030853 -0.1045006 -0.054 0.026 0.038 1324/5223
Apolipoprotein B -0.1610183 0.0276138 0.0000000 Female -0.1068953 -0.2151413 -0.161 0.028 5.7e-09 1452/5772
HDL cholesterol -0.1338099 0.0252510 0.0000001 Female -0.0843179 -0.1833018 -0.134 0.025 1.2e-07 1337/5275
LDL direct -0.1533478 0.0278392 0.0000000 Female -0.0987829 -0.2079128 -0.153 0.028 3.7e-08 1455/5783
Lipoprotein A -0.1128965 0.0324002 0.0004968 Female -0.0493921 -0.1764010 -0.113 0.032 5.0e-04 1166/4653
Cholesterol -0.1668960 0.0272094 0.0000000 Female -0.1135655 -0.2202265 -0.167 0.027 9.0e-10 1457/5796
Triglycerides 0.2294534 0.0255783 0.0000000 Female 0.2795868 0.1793200 0.229 0.026 3.7e-19 1456/5792
IGF 1 -0.2393446 0.0284029 0.0000000 Female -0.1836750 -0.2950142 -0.239 0.028 4.2e-17 1449/5772
Vitamin D -0.4082598 0.0325304 0.0000000 Female -0.3445001 -0.4720194 -0.408 0.033 9.7e-36 1392/5565
Bioavailable testosterone -0.0362555 0.0204403 0.0761658 Female 0.0038074 -0.0763184 -0.036 0.020 0.076 1064/4220
Free testosterone -0.0145430 0.0204022 0.4759896 Female 0.0254453 -0.0545312 -0.015 0.020 0.476 1106/4453
Testosterone -0.0361472 0.0188108 0.0547023 Female 0.0007220 -0.0730163 -0.036 0.019 0.055 1168/4678
SHBG -0.0249352 0.0282841 0.3780273 Female 0.0305016 -0.0803720 -0.025 0.028 0.378 1323/5212
Alanine aminotransferase -0.1360117 0.0258480 0.0000001 Female -0.0853497 -0.1866737 -0.136 0.026 1.5e-07 1457/5798
Albumin -0.0657714 0.0303187 0.0300928 Female -0.0063468 -0.1251960 -0.066 0.030 0.030 1338/5275
Alkaline phosphatase 0.1533666 0.0280940 0.0000000 Female 0.2084309 0.0983023 0.153 0.028 4.9e-08 1457/5796
Aspartate aminotransferase 0.0583374 0.0267167 0.0290268 Female 0.1107021 0.0059728 0.058 0.027 0.029 1452/5772
C reactive protein -0.0729257 0.0297921 0.0143957 Female -0.0145333 -0.1313182 -0.073 0.030 0.014 1452/5789
Gamma glutamyltransferase -0.1426310 0.0278650 0.0000003 Female -0.0880156 -0.1972464 -0.143 0.028 3.2e-07 1455/5793
Direct bilirubin -0.0185505 0.0316874 0.5582862 Female 0.0435568 -0.0806577 -0.019 0.032 0.558 1184/4716
Total bilirubin -0.0356154 0.0288654 0.2173023 Female 0.0209609 -0.0921916 -0.036 0.029 0.217 1451/5769
Total protein -0.0436369 0.0307202 0.1555203 Female 0.0165747 -0.1038486 -0.044 0.031 0.156 1337/5272
Creatinine -0.3648762 0.0221789 0.0000000 Female -0.3214055 -0.4083469 -0.365 0.022 9.8e-60 1456/5793
Cystatin C 0.3706779 0.0255587 0.0000000 Female 0.4207729 0.3205828 0.371 0.026 5.3e-47 1456/5801
eGFR -0.0457096 0.0250802 0.0684152 Female 0.0034477 -0.0948668 -0.046 0.025 0.068 1455/5792
HbA1c 0.0489391 0.0247224 0.0477929 Female 0.0973950 0.0004831 0.049 0.025 0.048 1450/5774
Urate -0.1482158 0.0231485 0.0000000 Female -0.1028448 -0.1935869 -0.148 0.023 1.6e-10 1452/5791
Urea -0.5982422 0.0280654 0.0000000 Female -0.5432340 -0.6532504 -0.598 0.028 7.8e-98 1455/5792
Calcium -0.0598459 0.0313665 0.0564403 Female 0.0016324 -0.1213241 -0.060 0.031 0.056 1338/5270
Phosphate 0.0206362 0.0297469 0.4878791 Female 0.0789402 -0.0376678 0.021 0.030 0.488 1335/5264

    scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
Trait Estimate SE P Sex upper lower Estimateround SEround Pround samp EstimateroundM EstimateroundF SEroundM SEroundF ProundM ProundF sampM sampF
Apolipoprotein A -0.0952853 0.0364059 0.0089011 Male -0.0239298 -0.1666409 -0.095 0.036 0.009 687/2798 -0.095 -0.054 0.036 0.026 0.009 0.038 687/2798 1324/5223
Apolipoprotein B -0.2207853 0.0392515 0.0000000 Male -0.1438524 -0.2977183 -0.221 0.039 2.0e-08 745/3014 -0.221 -0.161 0.039 0.028 2.0e-08 5.7e-09 745/3014 1452/5772
HDL cholesterol -0.1641141 0.0366923 0.0000080 Male -0.0921972 -0.2360310 -0.164 0.037 8.0e-06 689/2800 -0.164 -0.134 0.037 0.025 8.0e-06 1.2e-07 689/2800 1337/5275
LDL direct -0.2332525 0.0379934 0.0000000 Male -0.1587854 -0.3077196 -0.233 0.038 9.1e-10 757/3025 -0.233 -0.153 0.038 0.028 9.1e-10 3.7e-08 757/3025 1455/5783
Lipoprotein A 0.0328448 0.0437274 0.4526356 Male 0.1185506 -0.0528610 0.033 0.044 0.453 608/2415 0.033 -0.113 0.044 0.032 0.453 5.0e-04 608/2415 1166/4653
Cholesterol -0.2397004 0.0385400 0.0000000 Male -0.1641620 -0.3152388 -0.240 0.039 5.5e-10 758/3030 -0.240 -0.167 0.039 0.027 5.5e-10 9.0e-10 758/3030 1457/5796
Triglycerides 0.1819623 0.0423750 0.0000180 Male 0.2650173 0.0989073 0.182 0.042 1.8e-05 756/3027 0.182 0.229 0.042 0.026 1.8e-05 3.7e-19 756/3027 1456/5792
IGF 1 -0.1470875 0.0361661 0.0000486 Male -0.0762020 -0.2179730 -0.147 0.036 4.9e-05 752/3013 -0.147 -0.239 0.036 0.028 4.9e-05 4.2e-17 752/3013 1449/5772
Vitamin D -0.3399957 0.0445313 0.0000000 Male -0.2527144 -0.4272770 -0.340 0.045 2.9e-14 738/2956 -0.340 -0.408 0.045 0.033 2.9e-14 9.7e-36 738/2956 1392/5565
Bioavailable testosterone -0.0136650 0.0271881 0.6152724 Male 0.0396238 -0.0669537 -0.014 0.027 0.615 679/2761 -0.014 -0.036 0.027 0.020 0.615 0.076 679/2761 1064/4220
Free testosterone -0.0271668 0.0256020 0.2887110 Male 0.0230132 -0.0773468 -0.027 0.026 0.289 678/2767 -0.027 -0.015 0.026 0.020 0.289 0.476 678/2767 1106/4453
Testosterone -0.0054171 0.0258406 0.8339647 Male 0.0452305 -0.0560646 -0.005 0.026 0.834 751/2994 -0.005 -0.036 0.026 0.019 0.834 0.055 751/2994 1168/4678
SHBG 0.0084908 0.0338931 0.8022022 Male 0.0749213 -0.0579397 0.008 0.034 0.802 682/2783 0.008 -0.025 0.034 0.028 0.802 0.378 682/2783 1323/5212
Alanine aminotransferase -0.1786818 0.0380667 0.0000028 Male -0.1040710 -0.2532925 -0.179 0.038 2.8e-06 755/3029 -0.179 -0.136 0.038 0.026 2.8e-06 1.5e-07 755/3029 1457/5798
Albumin -0.0725563 0.0392101 0.0643339 Male 0.0042956 -0.1494082 -0.073 0.039 0.064 688/2800 -0.073 -0.066 0.039 0.030 0.064 0.030 688/2800 1338/5275
Alkaline phosphatase 0.0918610 0.0371810 0.0135309 Male 0.1647358 0.0189862 0.092 0.037 0.014 758/3030 0.092 0.153 0.037 0.028 0.014 4.9e-08 758/3030 1457/5796
Aspartate aminotransferase -0.0138357 0.0380193 0.7159433 Male 0.0606821 -0.0883536 -0.014 0.038 0.716 754/3020 -0.014 0.058 0.038 0.027 0.716 0.029 754/3020 1452/5772
C reactive protein -0.0217979 0.0397824 0.5837734 Male 0.0561756 -0.0997715 -0.022 0.040 0.584 750/3023 -0.022 -0.073 0.040 0.030 0.584 0.014 750/3023 1452/5789
Gamma glutamyltransferase -0.1839996 0.0335011 0.0000000 Male -0.1183374 -0.2496618 -0.184 0.034 4.2e-08 757/3026 -0.184 -0.143 0.034 0.028 4.2e-08 3.2e-07 757/3026 1455/5793
Direct bilirubin 0.0016235 0.0401377 0.9677389 Male 0.0802933 -0.0770464 0.002 0.040 0.968 704/2844 0.002 -0.019 0.040 0.032 0.968 0.558 704/2844 1184/4716
Total bilirubin -0.0049710 0.0365885 0.8919374 Male 0.0667425 -0.0766845 -0.005 0.037 0.892 755/3018 -0.005 -0.036 0.037 0.029 0.892 0.217 755/3018 1451/5769
Total protein -0.1212301 0.0407742 0.0029672 Male -0.0413128 -0.2011475 -0.121 0.041 0.003 689/2802 -0.121 -0.044 0.041 0.031 0.003 0.156 689/2802 1337/5272
Creatinine -0.5932464 0.0287057 0.0000000 Male -0.5369832 -0.6495095 -0.593 0.029 5.6e-90 756/3029 -0.593 -0.365 0.029 0.022 5.6e-90 9.8e-60 756/3029 1456/5793
Cystatin C 0.2584474 0.0326227 0.0000000 Male 0.3223879 0.1945069 0.258 0.033 3.0e-15 757/3029 0.258 0.371 0.033 0.026 3.0e-15 5.3e-47 757/3029 1456/5801
eGFR 0.0270818 0.0333761 0.4171801 Male 0.0924989 -0.0383353 0.027 0.033 0.417 755/3028 0.027 -0.046 0.033 0.025 0.417 0.068 755/3028 1455/5792
HbA1c -0.0579008 0.0390234 0.1379605 Male 0.0185850 -0.1343866 -0.058 0.039 0.138 748/3008 -0.058 0.049 0.039 0.025 0.138 0.048 748/3008 1450/5774
Urate -0.2125853 0.0301554 0.0000000 Male -0.1534806 -0.2716900 -0.213 0.030 2.1e-12 757/3026 -0.213 -0.148 0.030 0.023 2.1e-12 1.6e-10 757/3026 1452/5791
Urea -0.6485103 0.0392898 0.0000000 Male -0.5715022 -0.7255184 -0.649 0.039 3.8e-59 757/3029 -0.649 -0.598 0.039 0.028 3.8e-59 7.8e-98 757/3029 1455/5792
Calcium -0.1079126 0.0410376 0.0085861 Male -0.0274790 -0.1883462 -0.108 0.041 0.009 687/2802 -0.108 -0.060 0.041 0.031 0.009 0.056 687/2802 1338/5270
Phosphate -0.0043175 0.0457044 0.9247453 Male 0.0852632 -0.0938982 -0.004 0.046 0.925 688/2791 -0.004 0.021 0.046 0.030 0.925 0.488 688/2791 1335/5264
Apolipoprotein A -0.0537930 0.0258712 0.0376326 Female -0.0030853 -0.1045006 -0.054 0.026 0.038 1324/5223 -0.095 -0.054 0.036 0.026 0.009 0.038 687/2798 1324/5223
Apolipoprotein B -0.1610183 0.0276138 0.0000000 Female -0.1068953 -0.2151413 -0.161 0.028 5.7e-09 1452/5772 -0.221 -0.161 0.039 0.028 2.0e-08 5.7e-09 745/3014 1452/5772
HDL cholesterol -0.1338099 0.0252510 0.0000001 Female -0.0843179 -0.1833018 -0.134 0.025 1.2e-07 1337/5275 -0.164 -0.134 0.037 0.025 8.0e-06 1.2e-07 689/2800 1337/5275
LDL direct -0.1533478 0.0278392 0.0000000 Female -0.0987829 -0.2079128 -0.153 0.028 3.7e-08 1455/5783 -0.233 -0.153 0.038 0.028 9.1e-10 3.7e-08 757/3025 1455/5783
Lipoprotein A -0.1128965 0.0324002 0.0004968 Female -0.0493921 -0.1764010 -0.113 0.032 5.0e-04 1166/4653 0.033 -0.113 0.044 0.032 0.453 5.0e-04 608/2415 1166/4653
Cholesterol -0.1668960 0.0272094 0.0000000 Female -0.1135655 -0.2202265 -0.167 0.027 9.0e-10 1457/5796 -0.240 -0.167 0.039 0.027 5.5e-10 9.0e-10 758/3030 1457/5796
Triglycerides 0.2294534 0.0255783 0.0000000 Female 0.2795868 0.1793200 0.229 0.026 3.7e-19 1456/5792 0.182 0.229 0.042 0.026 1.8e-05 3.7e-19 756/3027 1456/5792
IGF 1 -0.2393446 0.0284029 0.0000000 Female -0.1836750 -0.2950142 -0.239 0.028 4.2e-17 1449/5772 -0.147 -0.239 0.036 0.028 4.9e-05 4.2e-17 752/3013 1449/5772
Vitamin D -0.4082598 0.0325304 0.0000000 Female -0.3445001 -0.4720194 -0.408 0.033 9.7e-36 1392/5565 -0.340 -0.408 0.045 0.033 2.9e-14 9.7e-36 738/2956 1392/5565
Bioavailable testosterone -0.0362555 0.0204403 0.0761658 Female 0.0038074 -0.0763184 -0.036 0.020 0.076 1064/4220 -0.014 -0.036 0.027 0.020 0.615 0.076 679/2761 1064/4220
Free testosterone -0.0145430 0.0204022 0.4759896 Female 0.0254453 -0.0545312 -0.015 0.020 0.476 1106/4453 -0.027 -0.015 0.026 0.020 0.289 0.476 678/2767 1106/4453
Testosterone -0.0361472 0.0188108 0.0547023 Female 0.0007220 -0.0730163 -0.036 0.019 0.055 1168/4678 -0.005 -0.036 0.026 0.019 0.834 0.055 751/2994 1168/4678
SHBG -0.0249352 0.0282841 0.3780273 Female 0.0305016 -0.0803720 -0.025 0.028 0.378 1323/5212 0.008 -0.025 0.034 0.028 0.802 0.378 682/2783 1323/5212
Alanine aminotransferase -0.1360117 0.0258480 0.0000001 Female -0.0853497 -0.1866737 -0.136 0.026 1.5e-07 1457/5798 -0.179 -0.136 0.038 0.026 2.8e-06 1.5e-07 755/3029 1457/5798
Albumin -0.0657714 0.0303187 0.0300928 Female -0.0063468 -0.1251960 -0.066 0.030 0.030 1338/5275 -0.073 -0.066 0.039 0.030 0.064 0.030 688/2800 1338/5275
Alkaline phosphatase 0.1533666 0.0280940 0.0000000 Female 0.2084309 0.0983023 0.153 0.028 4.9e-08 1457/5796 0.092 0.153 0.037 0.028 0.014 4.9e-08 758/3030 1457/5796
Aspartate aminotransferase 0.0583374 0.0267167 0.0290268 Female 0.1107021 0.0059728 0.058 0.027 0.029 1452/5772 -0.014 0.058 0.038 0.027 0.716 0.029 754/3020 1452/5772
C reactive protein -0.0729257 0.0297921 0.0143957 Female -0.0145333 -0.1313182 -0.073 0.030 0.014 1452/5789 -0.022 -0.073 0.040 0.030 0.584 0.014 750/3023 1452/5789
Gamma glutamyltransferase -0.1426310 0.0278650 0.0000003 Female -0.0880156 -0.1972464 -0.143 0.028 3.2e-07 1455/5793 -0.184 -0.143 0.034 0.028 4.2e-08 3.2e-07 757/3026 1455/5793
Direct bilirubin -0.0185505 0.0316874 0.5582862 Female 0.0435568 -0.0806577 -0.019 0.032 0.558 1184/4716 0.002 -0.019 0.040 0.032 0.968 0.558 704/2844 1184/4716
Total bilirubin -0.0356154 0.0288654 0.2173023 Female 0.0209609 -0.0921916 -0.036 0.029 0.217 1451/5769 -0.005 -0.036 0.037 0.029 0.892 0.217 755/3018 1451/5769
Total protein -0.0436369 0.0307202 0.1555203 Female 0.0165747 -0.1038486 -0.044 0.031 0.156 1337/5272 -0.121 -0.044 0.041 0.031 0.003 0.156 689/2802 1337/5272
Creatinine -0.3648762 0.0221789 0.0000000 Female -0.3214055 -0.4083469 -0.365 0.022 9.8e-60 1456/5793 -0.593 -0.365 0.029 0.022 5.6e-90 9.8e-60 756/3029 1456/5793
Cystatin C 0.3706779 0.0255587 0.0000000 Female 0.4207729 0.3205828 0.371 0.026 5.3e-47 1456/5801 0.258 0.371 0.033 0.026 3.0e-15 5.3e-47 757/3029 1456/5801
eGFR -0.0457096 0.0250802 0.0684152 Female 0.0034477 -0.0948668 -0.046 0.025 0.068 1455/5792 0.027 -0.046 0.033 0.025 0.417 0.068 755/3028 1455/5792
HbA1c 0.0489391 0.0247224 0.0477929 Female 0.0973950 0.0004831 0.049 0.025 0.048 1450/5774 -0.058 0.049 0.039 0.025 0.138 0.048 748/3008 1450/5774
Urate -0.1482158 0.0231485 0.0000000 Female -0.1028448 -0.1935869 -0.148 0.023 1.6e-10 1452/5791 -0.213 -0.148 0.030 0.023 2.1e-12 1.6e-10 757/3026 1452/5791
Urea -0.5982422 0.0280654 0.0000000 Female -0.5432340 -0.6532504 -0.598 0.028 7.8e-98 1455/5792 -0.649 -0.598 0.039 0.028 3.8e-59 7.8e-98 757/3029 1455/5792
Calcium -0.0598459 0.0313665 0.0564403 Female 0.0016324 -0.1213241 -0.060 0.031 0.056 1338/5270 -0.108 -0.060 0.041 0.031 0.009 0.056 687/2802 1338/5270
Phosphate 0.0206362 0.0297469 0.4878791 Female 0.0789402 -0.0376678 0.021 0.030 0.488 1335/5264 -0.004 0.021 0.046 0.030 0.925 0.488 688/2791 1335/5264
tot=tot%>%select(Trait, EstimateroundM, ProundM, sampM,
                 EstimateroundF, ProundF, sampF, everything())
tot=cbind(Category, tot)

tot2=bind_rows(headerM, tot)
tot3=bind_rows(headerF, tot2)

#png("forest.sexstrat.png",width = 10, height =8, units = 'in', res = 600)

tot3 %>%
    group_by(Sex) %>%
               labeltext=c("Category", "Trait"),
               lower="lower", upper="upper",
               boxsize = 0.2,
               ci.vertices = TRUE,
               ci.vertices.height = 0.05,
               shapes_gp = fpShapesGp(box = c("darkred", "blue") %>%
                    lapply(function(x) gpar(fill = x, col = "#555555")),
                            default = gpar(vertices = TRUE)),
               hrzl_lines = list("2" = gpar(lty = 2)),
               zero = 0,
               mar = unit(c(0,0.5,0.2,0.5), "in"),
               xlab = "Standardized veg. effect ± 95% CI (no BMI covar.)",
               txt_gp = fpTxtGp(xlab  = gpar(cex = 1.2),
                                ticks = gpar(fontfamily = "", cex = 1)
               fn.ci_norm = c(fpDrawNormalCI, fpDrawCircleCI)
               )%>% fp_set_zebra_style("#F7F7F7")


outplot=tot%>%select(Trait, EstimateroundM, SEroundM, ProundM, sampM,
                 EstimateroundF, SEroundF, ProundF, sampF)
outplot$ProundM = cell_spec(outplot$ProundM, 
            color=ifelse(as.double(outplot$ProundM) <0.0017, "#36E072", "grey"))

outplot$ProundF = cell_spec(outplot$ProundF, 
            color=ifelse(as.double(outplot$ProundF) <0.0017, "#36E072", "grey"))

colnames(outplot)=c("Trait", "BetaVegm", "SEm", "Pm", "N (veg/non-veg)m","BetaVegf", "SEf", "Pf", "N (veg/non-veg)f")

     kbl(booktabs = T, linesep = "", escape=FALSE,align="l") %>%
  kable_classic_2(full_width = F)
Trait BetaVegm SEm Pm N (veg/non-veg)m BetaVegf SEf Pf N (veg/non-veg)f
Apolipoprotein A -0.095 0.036 0.009 687/2798 -0.054 0.026 0.038 1324/5223
Apolipoprotein B -0.221 0.039 2.0e-08 745/3014 -0.161 0.028 5.7e-09 1452/5772
HDL cholesterol -0.164 0.037 8.0e-06 689/2800 -0.134 0.025 1.2e-07 1337/5275
LDL direct -0.233 0.038 9.1e-10 757/3025 -0.153 0.028 3.7e-08 1455/5783
Lipoprotein A 0.033 0.044 0.453 608/2415 -0.113 0.032 5.0e-04 1166/4653
Cholesterol -0.240 0.039 5.5e-10 758/3030 -0.167 0.027 9.0e-10 1457/5796
Triglycerides 0.182 0.042 1.8e-05 756/3027 0.229 0.026 3.7e-19 1456/5792
IGF 1 -0.147 0.036 4.9e-05 752/3013 -0.239 0.028 4.2e-17 1449/5772
Vitamin D -0.340 0.045 2.9e-14 738/2956 -0.408 0.033 9.7e-36 1392/5565
Bioavailable testosterone -0.014 0.027 0.615 679/2761 -0.036 0.020 0.076 1064/4220
Free testosterone -0.027 0.026 0.289 678/2767 -0.015 0.020 0.476 1106/4453
Testosterone -0.005 0.026 0.834 751/2994 -0.036 0.019 0.055 1168/4678
SHBG 0.008 0.034 0.802 682/2783 -0.025 0.028 0.378 1323/5212
Alanine aminotransferase -0.179 0.038 2.8e-06 755/3029 -0.136 0.026 1.5e-07 1457/5798
Albumin -0.073 0.039 0.064 688/2800 -0.066 0.030 0.030 1338/5275
Alkaline phosphatase 0.092 0.037 0.014 758/3030 0.153 0.028 4.9e-08 1457/5796
Aspartate aminotransferase -0.014 0.038 0.716 754/3020 0.058 0.027 0.029 1452/5772
C reactive protein -0.022 0.040 0.584 750/3023 -0.073 0.030 0.014 1452/5789
Gamma glutamyltransferase -0.184 0.034 4.2e-08 757/3026 -0.143 0.028 3.2e-07 1455/5793
Direct bilirubin 0.002 0.040 0.968 704/2844 -0.019 0.032 0.558 1184/4716
Total bilirubin -0.005 0.037 0.892 755/3018 -0.036 0.029 0.217 1451/5769
Total protein -0.121 0.041 0.003 689/2802 -0.044 0.031 0.156 1337/5272
Creatinine -0.593 0.029 5.6e-90 756/3029 -0.365 0.022 9.8e-60 1456/5793
Cystatin C 0.258 0.033 3.0e-15 757/3029 0.371 0.026 5.3e-47 1456/5801
eGFR 0.027 0.033 0.417 755/3028 -0.046 0.025 0.068 1455/5792
HbA1c -0.058 0.039 0.138 748/3008 0.049 0.025 0.048 1450/5774
Urate -0.213 0.030 2.1e-12 757/3026 -0.148 0.023 1.6e-10 1452/5791
Urea -0.649 0.039 3.8e-59 757/3029 -0.598 0.028 7.8e-98 1455/5792
Calcium -0.108 0.041 0.009 687/2802 -0.060 0.031 0.056 1338/5270
Phosphate -0.004 0.046 0.925 688/2791 0.021 0.030 0.488 1335/5264
Apolipoprotein A -0.095 0.036 0.009 687/2798 -0.054 0.026 0.038 1324/5223
Apolipoprotein B -0.221 0.039 2.0e-08 745/3014 -0.161 0.028 5.7e-09 1452/5772
HDL cholesterol -0.164 0.037 8.0e-06 689/2800 -0.134 0.025 1.2e-07 1337/5275
LDL direct -0.233 0.038 9.1e-10 757/3025 -0.153 0.028 3.7e-08 1455/5783
Lipoprotein A 0.033 0.044 0.453 608/2415 -0.113 0.032 5.0e-04 1166/4653
Cholesterol -0.240 0.039 5.5e-10 758/3030 -0.167 0.027 9.0e-10 1457/5796
Triglycerides 0.182 0.042 1.8e-05 756/3027 0.229 0.026 3.7e-19 1456/5792
IGF 1 -0.147 0.036 4.9e-05 752/3013 -0.239 0.028 4.2e-17 1449/5772
Vitamin D -0.340 0.045 2.9e-14 738/2956 -0.408 0.033 9.7e-36 1392/5565
Bioavailable testosterone -0.014 0.027 0.615 679/2761 -0.036 0.020 0.076 1064/4220
Free testosterone -0.027 0.026 0.289 678/2767 -0.015 0.020 0.476 1106/4453
Testosterone -0.005 0.026 0.834 751/2994 -0.036 0.019 0.055 1168/4678
SHBG 0.008 0.034 0.802 682/2783 -0.025 0.028 0.378 1323/5212
Alanine aminotransferase -0.179 0.038 2.8e-06 755/3029 -0.136 0.026 1.5e-07 1457/5798
Albumin -0.073 0.039 0.064 688/2800 -0.066 0.030 0.030 1338/5275
Alkaline phosphatase 0.092 0.037 0.014 758/3030 0.153 0.028 4.9e-08 1457/5796
Aspartate aminotransferase -0.014 0.038 0.716 754/3020 0.058 0.027 0.029 1452/5772
C reactive protein -0.022 0.040 0.584 750/3023 -0.073 0.030 0.014 1452/5789
Gamma glutamyltransferase -0.184 0.034 4.2e-08 757/3026 -0.143 0.028 3.2e-07 1455/5793
Direct bilirubin 0.002 0.040 0.968 704/2844 -0.019 0.032 0.558 1184/4716
Total bilirubin -0.005 0.037 0.892 755/3018 -0.036 0.029 0.217 1451/5769
Total protein -0.121 0.041 0.003 689/2802 -0.044 0.031 0.156 1337/5272
Creatinine -0.593 0.029 5.6e-90 756/3029 -0.365 0.022 9.8e-60 1456/5793
Cystatin C 0.258 0.033 3.0e-15 757/3029 0.371 0.026 5.3e-47 1456/5801
eGFR 0.027 0.033 0.417 755/3028 -0.046 0.025 0.068 1455/5792
HbA1c -0.058 0.039 0.138 748/3008 0.049 0.025 0.048 1450/5774
Urate -0.213 0.030 2.1e-12 757/3026 -0.148 0.023 1.6e-10 1452/5791
Urea -0.649 0.039 3.8e-59 757/3029 -0.598 0.028 7.8e-98 1455/5792
Calcium -0.108 0.041 0.009 687/2802 -0.060 0.031 0.056 1338/5270
Phosphate -0.004 0.046 0.925 688/2791 0.021 0.030 0.488 1335/5264

Run lm sex-stratified adj-BMI

for (i in 1:length(phe)){
    fitM[[i]] <- lm(mdM[[phe[i]]] ~ Veg5yr1 + Age + BMI + AlcoholFreq +
                       PreviousSmoker +CurrentSmoker+ 
                       zTownsend+PCA1 + PCA2 + PCA3 +
                       PCA4 + PCA5, data = mdM, na.action = na.exclude)
    fitF[[i]] <- lm(mdF[[phe[i]]] ~ Veg5yr1 + Age + BMI + AlcoholFreq +
                        PreviousSmoker +CurrentSmoker+ 
                        zTownsend+PCA1 + PCA2 + PCA3 +
                        PCA4 + PCA5, data = mdF, na.action = na.exclude)
    #Cluster-robust standard errors
    coM=coeftest(fitM[[i]], vcov. = vcovCL, cluster = ~subclass)["Veg5yr1",,drop=FALSE]
    coF=coeftest(fitF[[i]], vcov. = vcovCL, cluster = ~subclass)["Veg5yr1",,drop=FALSE]

outM[2:4]=sapply(outM[2:4], as.numeric)
as_tibble(outM)%>%kbl(caption="Male adj-BMI")%>% 
    scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
Male adj-BMI
Trait Estimate SE P Sex upper lower Estimateround SEround Pround samp
Apolipoprotein_A_rint -0.1267279 0.0355128 0.0003639 Male -0.0239298 -0.1666409 -0.095 0.036 0.009 687/2798
Apolipoprotein_B_rint -0.1925021 0.0380941 0.0000005 Male -0.1438524 -0.2977183 -0.221 0.039 2.0e-08 745/3014
HDL_cholesterol_rint -0.2083215 0.0348524 0.0000000 Male -0.0921972 -0.2360310 -0.164 0.037 8.0e-06 689/2800
LDL_direct_rint -0.2112578 0.0372037 0.0000000 Male -0.1587854 -0.3077196 -0.233 0.038 9.1e-10 757/3025
Lipoprotein_A_rint 0.0316919 0.0438591 0.4699919 Male 0.1185506 -0.0528610 0.033 0.044 0.453 608/2415
Cholesterol_rint -0.2238045 0.0381212 0.0000000 Male -0.1641620 -0.3152388 -0.240 0.039 5.5e-10 758/3030
Triglycerides_rint 0.2301472 0.0397995 0.0000000 Male 0.2650173 0.0989073 0.182 0.042 1.8e-05 756/3027
IGF_1_rint -0.1502783 0.0361740 0.0000334 Male -0.0762020 -0.2179730 -0.147 0.036 4.9e-05 752/3013
Vitamin_D_rint -0.3567426 0.0442040 0.0000000 Male -0.2527144 -0.4272770 -0.340 0.045 2.9e-14 738/2956
Bioavailable_testosterone_rint -0.0291545 0.0267282 0.2754473 Male 0.0396238 -0.0669537 -0.014 0.027 0.615 679/2761
Free_testosterone_rint -0.0259667 0.0256344 0.3111496 Male 0.0230132 -0.0773468 -0.027 0.026 0.289 678/2767
Testosterone_rint -0.0269085 0.0248827 0.2795819 Male 0.0452305 -0.0560646 -0.005 0.026 0.834 751/2994
SHBG_rint -0.0350940 0.0314007 0.2638066 Male 0.0749213 -0.0579397 0.008 0.034 0.802 682/2783
Alanine_aminotransferase_rint -0.1384570 0.0361785 0.0001318 Male -0.1040710 -0.2532925 -0.179 0.038 2.8e-06 755/3029
Albumin_rint -0.0808145 0.0392909 0.0397775 Male 0.0042956 -0.1494082 -0.073 0.039 0.064 688/2800
Alkaline_phosphatase_rint 0.1032799 0.0370858 0.0053813 Male 0.1647358 0.0189862 0.092 0.037 0.014 758/3030
Aspartate_aminotransferase_rint 0.0002263 0.0378300 0.9952281 Male 0.0606821 -0.0883536 -0.014 0.038 0.716 754/3020
C_reactive_protein_rint 0.0211213 0.0375527 0.5738468 Male 0.0561756 -0.0997715 -0.022 0.040 0.584 750/3023
Gamma_glutamyltransferase_rint -0.1486263 0.0320317 0.0000036 Male -0.1183374 -0.2496618 -0.184 0.034 4.2e-08 757/3026
Direct_bilirubin_rint -0.0102032 0.0400712 0.7990270 Male 0.0802933 -0.0770464 0.002 0.040 0.968 704/2844
Total_bilirubin_rint -0.0133426 0.0365542 0.7151251 Male 0.0667425 -0.0766845 -0.005 0.037 0.892 755/3018
Total_protein_rint -0.1152243 0.0409079 0.0048797 Male -0.0413128 -0.2011475 -0.121 0.041 0.003 689/2802
Creatinine_rint -0.5768706 0.0284864 0.0000000 Male -0.5369832 -0.6495095 -0.593 0.029 5.6e-90 756/3029
Cystatin_C_rint 0.2854492 0.0314230 0.0000000 Male 0.3223879 0.1945069 0.258 0.033 3.0e-15 757/3029
eGFR_rint -0.0019476 0.0322265 0.9518123 Male 0.0924989 -0.0383353 0.027 0.033 0.417 755/3028
HbA1c_rint -0.0396035 0.0386380 0.3054344 Male 0.0185850 -0.1343866 -0.058 0.039 0.138 748/3008
Urate_rint -0.1764115 0.0286627 0.0000000 Male -0.1534806 -0.2716900 -0.213 0.030 2.1e-12 757/3026
Urea_rint -0.6424311 0.0392741 0.0000000 Male -0.5715022 -0.7255184 -0.649 0.039 3.8e-59 757/3029
Calcium_rint -0.1105072 0.0411100 0.0072205 Male -0.0274790 -0.1883462 -0.108 0.041 0.009 687/2802
Phosphate_rint -0.0088235 0.0457907 0.8472122 Male 0.0852632 -0.0938982 -0.004 0.046 0.925 688/2791
outF[2:4]=sapply(outF[2:4], as.numeric)
as_tibble(outF)%>%kbl(caption="Female adj-BMI")%>% 
    scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
Female adj-BMI
Trait Estimate SE P Sex upper lower Estimateround SEround Pround samp
Apolipoprotein_A_rint -0.0507849 0.0254139 0.0457243 Female -0.0030853 -0.1045006 -0.054 0.026 0.038 1324/5223
Apolipoprotein_B_rint -0.1669199 0.0267955 0.0000000 Female -0.1068953 -0.2151413 -0.161 0.028 5.7e-09 1452/5772
HDL_cholesterol_rint -0.1312893 0.0243112 0.0000001 Female -0.0843179 -0.1833018 -0.134 0.025 1.2e-07 1337/5275
LDL_direct_rint -0.1578437 0.0272018 0.0000000 Female -0.0987829 -0.2079128 -0.153 0.028 3.7e-08 1455/5783
Lipoprotein_A_rint -0.1133998 0.0323857 0.0004661 Female -0.0493921 -0.1764010 -0.113 0.032 5.0e-04 1166/4653
Cholesterol_rint -0.1696707 0.0269326 0.0000000 Female -0.1135655 -0.2202265 -0.167 0.027 9.0e-10 1457/5796
Triglycerides_rint 0.2221814 0.0241788 0.0000000 Female 0.2795868 0.1793200 0.229 0.026 3.7e-19 1456/5792
IGF_1_rint -0.2383082 0.0283668 0.0000000 Female -0.1836750 -0.2950142 -0.239 0.028 4.2e-17 1449/5772
Vitamin_D_rint -0.4043642 0.0323105 0.0000000 Female -0.3445001 -0.4720194 -0.408 0.033 9.7e-36 1392/5565
Bioavailable_testosterone_rint -0.0409250 0.0200896 0.0416879 Female 0.0038074 -0.0763184 -0.036 0.020 0.076 1064/4220
Free_testosterone_rint -0.0205851 0.0195642 0.2927619 Female 0.0254453 -0.0545312 -0.015 0.020 0.476 1106/4453
Testosterone_rint -0.0396346 0.0187474 0.0345460 Female 0.0007220 -0.0730163 -0.036 0.019 0.055 1168/4678
SHBG_rint -0.0225707 0.0262092 0.3891722 Female 0.0305016 -0.0803720 -0.025 0.028 0.378 1323/5212
Alanine_aminotransferase_rint -0.1409599 0.0251099 0.0000000 Female -0.0853497 -0.1866737 -0.136 0.026 1.5e-07 1457/5798
Albumin_rint -0.0642046 0.0299417 0.0320438 Female -0.0063468 -0.1251960 -0.066 0.030 0.030 1338/5275
Alkaline_phosphatase_rint 0.1487686 0.0273806 0.0000001 Female 0.2084309 0.0983023 0.153 0.028 4.9e-08 1457/5796
Aspartate_aminotransferase_rint 0.0578253 0.0266927 0.0303181 Female 0.1107021 0.0059728 0.058 0.027 0.029 1452/5772
C_reactive_protein_rint -0.0839135 0.0267741 0.0017306 Female -0.0145333 -0.1313182 -0.073 0.030 0.014 1452/5789
Gamma_glutamyltransferase_rint -0.1478597 0.0270909 0.0000000 Female -0.0880156 -0.1972464 -0.143 0.028 3.2e-07 1455/5793
Direct_bilirubin_rint -0.0154163 0.0315130 0.6247159 Female 0.0435568 -0.0806577 -0.019 0.032 0.558 1184/4716
Total_bilirubin_rint -0.0321196 0.0287448 0.2638580 Female 0.0209609 -0.0921916 -0.036 0.029 0.217 1451/5769
Total_protein_rint -0.0438038 0.0307217 0.1539664 Female 0.0165747 -0.1038486 -0.044 0.031 0.156 1337/5272
Creatinine_rint -0.3668075 0.0220102 0.0000000 Female -0.3214055 -0.4083469 -0.365 0.022 9.8e-60 1456/5793
Cystatin_C_rint 0.3647104 0.0245915 0.0000000 Female 0.4207729 0.3205828 0.371 0.026 5.3e-47 1456/5801
eGFR_rint -0.0407539 0.0243187 0.0938163 Female 0.0034477 -0.0948668 -0.046 0.025 0.068 1455/5792
HbA1c_rint 0.0450948 0.0244823 0.0655259 Female 0.0973950 0.0004831 0.049 0.025 0.048 1450/5774
Urate_rint -0.1543325 0.0218372 0.0000000 Female -0.1028448 -0.1935869 -0.148 0.023 1.6e-10 1452/5791
Urea_rint -0.6000758 0.0280218 0.0000000 Female -0.5432340 -0.6532504 -0.598 0.028 7.8e-98 1455/5792
Calcium_rint -0.0596322 0.0313444 0.0571512 Female 0.0016324 -0.1213241 -0.060 0.031 0.056 1338/5270
Phosphate_rint 0.0214230 0.0295982 0.4692184 Female 0.0789402 -0.0376678 0.021 0.030 0.488 1335/5264

Add confidence intervals and round long decimals: sex-stratified adj-BMI

outM$Estimateround=format(round(outM$Estimate, digits=3), digits=3)
outM$SEround=format(round(outM$SE, digits=3), digits=3)
outM$Pround=ifelse(outM$P < 0.001, 
                  formatC(outM$P, digits=1, format="e"), 
                  formatC(outM$P, digits=3, format="f"))

outF$Estimateround=format(round(outF$Estimate, digits=3), digits=3)
outM$SEround=format(round(outM$SE, digits=3), digits=3)
outF$Pround=ifelse(outF$P < 0.001, 
                   formatC(outF$P, digits=1, format="e"), 
                   formatC(outF$P, digits=3, format="f"))

Get sample sizes sex-stratified adj-BMI

ncontrM=md%>%filter(Veg5yr1==0, Sex==1)%>%select(all_of(phe))%>%sapply(function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))
ncaseM=md%>%filter(Veg5yr1==1, Sex==1)%>%select(all_of(phe))%>%sapply(function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))
ncontrF=md%>%filter(Veg5yr1==0, Sex==2)%>%select(all_of(phe))%>%sapply(function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))
ncaseF=md%>%filter(Veg5yr1==1, Sex==2)%>%select(all_of(phe))%>%sapply(function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))

outM$samp=paste(ncaseM,ncontrM, sep= "/")
outF$samp=paste(ncaseF,ncontrF, sep= "/")
tot=rbind(outM, outF)

Forest plots sex-stratified adj-BMI

tot$Trait=gsub(out$Trait, pattern = "_", replacement =" ") 
tot$Trait=gsub(out$Trait, pattern =" rint", replacement="") 
    scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
Trait Estimate SE P Sex upper lower Estimateround SEround Pround samp
Apolipoprotein A -0.1267279 0.0355128 0.0003639 Male -0.0571227 -0.1963331 -0.127 0.036 3.6e-04 687/2798
Apolipoprotein B -0.1925021 0.0380941 0.0000005 Male -0.1178377 -0.2671664 -0.193 0.038 4.5e-07 745/3014
HDL cholesterol -0.2083215 0.0348524 0.0000000 Male -0.1400107 -0.2766323 -0.208 0.035 2.5e-09 689/2800
LDL direct -0.2112578 0.0372037 0.0000000 Male -0.1383386 -0.2841771 -0.211 0.037 1.5e-08 757/3025
Lipoprotein A 0.0316919 0.0438591 0.4699919 Male 0.1176557 -0.0542720 0.032 0.044 0.470 608/2415
Cholesterol -0.2238045 0.0381212 0.0000000 Male -0.1490870 -0.2985221 -0.224 0.038 4.7e-09 758/3030
Triglycerides 0.2301472 0.0397995 0.0000000 Male 0.3081542 0.1521403 0.230 0.040 7.9e-09 756/3027
IGF 1 -0.1502783 0.0361740 0.0000334 Male -0.0793773 -0.2211794 -0.150 0.036 3.3e-05 752/3013
Vitamin D -0.3567426 0.0442040 0.0000000 Male -0.2701027 -0.4433824 -0.357 0.044 9.4e-16 738/2956
Bioavailable testosterone -0.0291545 0.0267282 0.2754473 Male 0.0232327 -0.0815417 -0.029 0.027 0.275 679/2761
Free testosterone -0.0259667 0.0256344 0.3111496 Male 0.0242768 -0.0762102 -0.026 0.026 0.311 678/2767
Testosterone -0.0269085 0.0248827 0.2795819 Male 0.0218615 -0.0756785 -0.027 0.025 0.280 751/2994
SHBG -0.0350940 0.0314007 0.2638066 Male 0.0264513 -0.0966393 -0.035 0.031 0.264 682/2783
Alanine aminotransferase -0.1384570 0.0361785 0.0001318 Male -0.0675471 -0.2093669 -0.138 0.036 1.3e-04 755/3029
Albumin -0.0808145 0.0392909 0.0397775 Male -0.0038044 -0.1578245 -0.081 0.039 0.040 688/2800
Alkaline phosphatase 0.1032799 0.0370858 0.0053813 Male 0.1759681 0.0305916 0.103 0.037 0.005 758/3030
Aspartate aminotransferase 0.0002263 0.0378300 0.9952281 Male 0.0743731 -0.0739205 0.000 0.038 0.995 754/3020
C reactive protein 0.0211213 0.0375527 0.5738468 Male 0.0947246 -0.0524820 0.021 0.038 0.574 750/3023
Gamma glutamyltransferase -0.1486263 0.0320317 0.0000036 Male -0.0858441 -0.2114084 -0.149 0.032 3.6e-06 757/3026
Direct bilirubin -0.0102032 0.0400712 0.7990270 Male 0.0683364 -0.0887427 -0.010 0.040 0.799 704/2844
Total bilirubin -0.0133426 0.0365542 0.7151251 Male 0.0583035 -0.0849887 -0.013 0.037 0.715 755/3018
Total protein -0.1152243 0.0409079 0.0048797 Male -0.0350449 -0.1954037 -0.115 0.041 0.005 689/2802
Creatinine -0.5768706 0.0284864 0.0000000 Male -0.5210372 -0.6327040 -0.577 0.028 1.2e-86 756/3029
Cystatin C 0.2854492 0.0314230 0.0000000 Male 0.3470384 0.2238601 0.285 0.031 1.6e-19 757/3029
eGFR -0.0019476 0.0322265 0.9518123 Male 0.0612163 -0.0651116 -0.002 0.032 0.952 755/3028
HbA1c -0.0396035 0.0386380 0.3054344 Male 0.0361269 -0.1153340 -0.040 0.039 0.305 748/3008
Urate -0.1764115 0.0286627 0.0000000 Male -0.1202326 -0.2325903 -0.176 0.029 8.3e-10 757/3026
Urea -0.6424311 0.0392741 0.0000000 Male -0.5654539 -0.7194083 -0.642 0.039 3.7e-58 757/3029
Calcium -0.1105072 0.0411100 0.0072205 Male -0.0299317 -0.1910827 -0.111 0.041 0.007 687/2802
Phosphate -0.0088235 0.0457907 0.8472122 Male 0.0809263 -0.0985732 -0.009 0.046 0.847 688/2791
Apolipoprotein A -0.0507849 0.0254139 0.0457243 Female -0.0009736 -0.1005962 -0.051 0.026 0.046 1324/5223
Apolipoprotein B -0.1669199 0.0267955 0.0000000 Female -0.1144007 -0.2194391 -0.167 0.028 4.9e-10 1452/5772
HDL cholesterol -0.1312893 0.0243112 0.0000001 Female -0.0836394 -0.1789392 -0.131 0.025 6.9e-08 1337/5275
LDL direct -0.1578437 0.0272018 0.0000000 Female -0.1045282 -0.2111593 -0.158 0.028 6.8e-09 1455/5783
Lipoprotein A -0.1133998 0.0323857 0.0004661 Female -0.0499237 -0.1768758 -0.113 0.032 4.7e-04 1166/4653
Cholesterol -0.1696707 0.0269326 0.0000000 Female -0.1168828 -0.2224585 -0.170 0.027 3.2e-10 1457/5796
Triglycerides 0.2221814 0.0241788 0.0000000 Female 0.2695719 0.1747909 0.222 0.026 5.1e-20 1456/5792
IGF 1 -0.2383082 0.0283668 0.0000000 Female -0.1827092 -0.2939072 -0.238 0.028 5.3e-17 1449/5772
Vitamin D -0.4043642 0.0323105 0.0000000 Female -0.3410358 -0.4676927 -0.404 0.033 1.5e-35 1392/5565
Bioavailable testosterone -0.0409250 0.0200896 0.0416879 Female -0.0015493 -0.0803006 -0.041 0.020 0.042 1064/4220
Free testosterone -0.0205851 0.0195642 0.2927619 Female 0.0177607 -0.0589308 -0.021 0.020 0.293 1106/4453
Testosterone -0.0396346 0.0187474 0.0345460 Female -0.0028896 -0.0763795 -0.040 0.019 0.035 1168/4678
SHBG -0.0225707 0.0262092 0.3891722 Female 0.0287992 -0.0739407 -0.023 0.028 0.389 1323/5212
Alanine aminotransferase -0.1409599 0.0251099 0.0000000 Female -0.0917446 -0.1901753 -0.141 0.026 2.1e-08 1457/5798
Albumin -0.0642046 0.0299417 0.0320438 Female -0.0055188 -0.1228904 -0.064 0.030 0.032 1338/5275
Alkaline phosphatase 0.1487686 0.0273806 0.0000001 Female 0.2024345 0.0951027 0.149 0.028 5.7e-08 1457/5796
Aspartate aminotransferase 0.0578253 0.0266927 0.0303181 Female 0.1101429 0.0055077 0.058 0.027 0.030 1452/5772
C reactive protein -0.0839135 0.0267741 0.0017306 Female -0.0314363 -0.1363908 -0.084 0.030 0.002 1452/5789
Gamma glutamyltransferase -0.1478597 0.0270909 0.0000000 Female -0.0947615 -0.2009578 -0.148 0.028 5.0e-08 1455/5793
Direct bilirubin -0.0154163 0.0315130 0.6247159 Female 0.0463492 -0.0771817 -0.015 0.032 0.625 1184/4716
Total bilirubin -0.0321196 0.0287448 0.2638580 Female 0.0242202 -0.0884595 -0.032 0.029 0.264 1451/5769
Total protein -0.0438038 0.0307217 0.1539664 Female 0.0164108 -0.1040184 -0.044 0.031 0.154 1337/5272
Creatinine -0.3668075 0.0220102 0.0000000 Female -0.3236674 -0.4099476 -0.367 0.022 3.2e-61 1456/5793
Cystatin C 0.3647104 0.0245915 0.0000000 Female 0.4129098 0.3165110 0.365 0.026 4.8e-49 1456/5801
eGFR -0.0407539 0.0243187 0.0938163 Female 0.0069109 -0.0884186 -0.041 0.025 0.094 1455/5792
HbA1c 0.0450948 0.0244823 0.0655259 Female 0.0930800 -0.0028905 0.045 0.025 0.066 1450/5774
Urate -0.1543325 0.0218372 0.0000000 Female -0.1115317 -0.1971334 -0.154 0.023 1.7e-12 1452/5791
Urea -0.6000758 0.0280218 0.0000000 Female -0.5451531 -0.6549985 -0.600 0.028 1.1e-98 1455/5792
Calcium -0.0596322 0.0313444 0.0571512 Female 0.0018028 -0.1210672 -0.060 0.031 0.057 1338/5270
Phosphate 0.0214230 0.0295982 0.4692184 Female 0.0794355 -0.0365895 0.021 0.030 0.469 1335/5264

    scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
Trait Estimate SE P Sex upper lower Estimateround SEround Pround samp EstimateroundM EstimateroundF SEroundM SEroundF ProundM ProundF sampM sampF
Apolipoprotein A -0.1267279 0.0355128 0.0003639 Male -0.0571227 -0.1963331 -0.127 0.036 3.6e-04 687/2798 -0.127 -0.051 0.036 0.026 3.6e-04 0.046 687/2798 1324/5223
Apolipoprotein B -0.1925021 0.0380941 0.0000005 Male -0.1178377 -0.2671664 -0.193 0.038 4.5e-07 745/3014 -0.193 -0.167 0.038 0.028 4.5e-07 4.9e-10 745/3014 1452/5772
HDL cholesterol -0.2083215 0.0348524 0.0000000 Male -0.1400107 -0.2766323 -0.208 0.035 2.5e-09 689/2800 -0.208 -0.131 0.035 0.025 2.5e-09 6.9e-08 689/2800 1337/5275
LDL direct -0.2112578 0.0372037 0.0000000 Male -0.1383386 -0.2841771 -0.211 0.037 1.5e-08 757/3025 -0.211 -0.158 0.037 0.028 1.5e-08 6.8e-09 757/3025 1455/5783
Lipoprotein A 0.0316919 0.0438591 0.4699919 Male 0.1176557 -0.0542720 0.032 0.044 0.470 608/2415 0.032 -0.113 0.044 0.032 0.470 4.7e-04 608/2415 1166/4653
Cholesterol -0.2238045 0.0381212 0.0000000 Male -0.1490870 -0.2985221 -0.224 0.038 4.7e-09 758/3030 -0.224 -0.170 0.038 0.027 4.7e-09 3.2e-10 758/3030 1457/5796
Triglycerides 0.2301472 0.0397995 0.0000000 Male 0.3081542 0.1521403 0.230 0.040 7.9e-09 756/3027 0.230 0.222 0.040 0.026 7.9e-09 5.1e-20 756/3027 1456/5792
IGF 1 -0.1502783 0.0361740 0.0000334 Male -0.0793773 -0.2211794 -0.150 0.036 3.3e-05 752/3013 -0.150 -0.238 0.036 0.028 3.3e-05 5.3e-17 752/3013 1449/5772
Vitamin D -0.3567426 0.0442040 0.0000000 Male -0.2701027 -0.4433824 -0.357 0.044 9.4e-16 738/2956 -0.357 -0.404 0.044 0.033 9.4e-16 1.5e-35 738/2956 1392/5565
Bioavailable testosterone -0.0291545 0.0267282 0.2754473 Male 0.0232327 -0.0815417 -0.029 0.027 0.275 679/2761 -0.029 -0.041 0.027 0.020 0.275 0.042 679/2761 1064/4220
Free testosterone -0.0259667 0.0256344 0.3111496 Male 0.0242768 -0.0762102 -0.026 0.026 0.311 678/2767 -0.026 -0.021 0.026 0.020 0.311 0.293 678/2767 1106/4453
Testosterone -0.0269085 0.0248827 0.2795819 Male 0.0218615 -0.0756785 -0.027 0.025 0.280 751/2994 -0.027 -0.040 0.025 0.019 0.280 0.035 751/2994 1168/4678
SHBG -0.0350940 0.0314007 0.2638066 Male 0.0264513 -0.0966393 -0.035 0.031 0.264 682/2783 -0.035 -0.023 0.031 0.028 0.264 0.389 682/2783 1323/5212
Alanine aminotransferase -0.1384570 0.0361785 0.0001318 Male -0.0675471 -0.2093669 -0.138 0.036 1.3e-04 755/3029 -0.138 -0.141 0.036 0.026 1.3e-04 2.1e-08 755/3029 1457/5798
Albumin -0.0808145 0.0392909 0.0397775 Male -0.0038044 -0.1578245 -0.081 0.039 0.040 688/2800 -0.081 -0.064 0.039 0.030 0.040 0.032 688/2800 1338/5275
Alkaline phosphatase 0.1032799 0.0370858 0.0053813 Male 0.1759681 0.0305916 0.103 0.037 0.005 758/3030 0.103 0.149 0.037 0.028 0.005 5.7e-08 758/3030 1457/5796
Aspartate aminotransferase 0.0002263 0.0378300 0.9952281 Male 0.0743731 -0.0739205 0.000 0.038 0.995 754/3020 0.000 0.058 0.038 0.027 0.995 0.030 754/3020 1452/5772
C reactive protein 0.0211213 0.0375527 0.5738468 Male 0.0947246 -0.0524820 0.021 0.038 0.574 750/3023 0.021 -0.084 0.038 0.030 0.574 0.002 750/3023 1452/5789
Gamma glutamyltransferase -0.1486263 0.0320317 0.0000036 Male -0.0858441 -0.2114084 -0.149 0.032 3.6e-06 757/3026 -0.149 -0.148 0.032 0.028 3.6e-06 5.0e-08 757/3026 1455/5793
Direct bilirubin -0.0102032 0.0400712 0.7990270 Male 0.0683364 -0.0887427 -0.010 0.040 0.799 704/2844 -0.010 -0.015 0.040 0.032 0.799 0.625 704/2844 1184/4716
Total bilirubin -0.0133426 0.0365542 0.7151251 Male 0.0583035 -0.0849887 -0.013 0.037 0.715 755/3018 -0.013 -0.032 0.037 0.029 0.715 0.264 755/3018 1451/5769
Total protein -0.1152243 0.0409079 0.0048797 Male -0.0350449 -0.1954037 -0.115 0.041 0.005 689/2802 -0.115 -0.044 0.041 0.031 0.005 0.154 689/2802 1337/5272
Creatinine -0.5768706 0.0284864 0.0000000 Male -0.5210372 -0.6327040 -0.577 0.028 1.2e-86 756/3029 -0.577 -0.367 0.028 0.022 1.2e-86 3.2e-61 756/3029 1456/5793
Cystatin C 0.2854492 0.0314230 0.0000000 Male 0.3470384 0.2238601 0.285 0.031 1.6e-19 757/3029 0.285 0.365 0.031 0.026 1.6e-19 4.8e-49 757/3029 1456/5801
eGFR -0.0019476 0.0322265 0.9518123 Male 0.0612163 -0.0651116 -0.002 0.032 0.952 755/3028 -0.002 -0.041 0.032 0.025 0.952 0.094 755/3028 1455/5792
HbA1c -0.0396035 0.0386380 0.3054344 Male 0.0361269 -0.1153340 -0.040 0.039 0.305 748/3008 -0.040 0.045 0.039 0.025 0.305 0.066 748/3008 1450/5774
Urate -0.1764115 0.0286627 0.0000000 Male -0.1202326 -0.2325903 -0.176 0.029 8.3e-10 757/3026 -0.176 -0.154 0.029 0.023 8.3e-10 1.7e-12 757/3026 1452/5791
Urea -0.6424311 0.0392741 0.0000000 Male -0.5654539 -0.7194083 -0.642 0.039 3.7e-58 757/3029 -0.642 -0.600 0.039 0.028 3.7e-58 1.1e-98 757/3029 1455/5792
Calcium -0.1105072 0.0411100 0.0072205 Male -0.0299317 -0.1910827 -0.111 0.041 0.007 687/2802 -0.111 -0.060 0.041 0.031 0.007 0.057 687/2802 1338/5270
Phosphate -0.0088235 0.0457907 0.8472122 Male 0.0809263 -0.0985732 -0.009 0.046 0.847 688/2791 -0.009 0.021 0.046 0.030 0.847 0.469 688/2791 1335/5264
Apolipoprotein A -0.0507849 0.0254139 0.0457243 Female -0.0009736 -0.1005962 -0.051 0.026 0.046 1324/5223 -0.127 -0.051 0.036 0.026 3.6e-04 0.046 687/2798 1324/5223
Apolipoprotein B -0.1669199 0.0267955 0.0000000 Female -0.1144007 -0.2194391 -0.167 0.028 4.9e-10 1452/5772 -0.193 -0.167 0.038 0.028 4.5e-07 4.9e-10 745/3014 1452/5772
HDL cholesterol -0.1312893 0.0243112 0.0000001 Female -0.0836394 -0.1789392 -0.131 0.025 6.9e-08 1337/5275 -0.208 -0.131 0.035 0.025 2.5e-09 6.9e-08 689/2800 1337/5275
LDL direct -0.1578437 0.0272018 0.0000000 Female -0.1045282 -0.2111593 -0.158 0.028 6.8e-09 1455/5783 -0.211 -0.158 0.037 0.028 1.5e-08 6.8e-09 757/3025 1455/5783
Lipoprotein A -0.1133998 0.0323857 0.0004661 Female -0.0499237 -0.1768758 -0.113 0.032 4.7e-04 1166/4653 0.032 -0.113 0.044 0.032 0.470 4.7e-04 608/2415 1166/4653
Cholesterol -0.1696707 0.0269326 0.0000000 Female -0.1168828 -0.2224585 -0.170 0.027 3.2e-10 1457/5796 -0.224 -0.170 0.038 0.027 4.7e-09 3.2e-10 758/3030 1457/5796
Triglycerides 0.2221814 0.0241788 0.0000000 Female 0.2695719 0.1747909 0.222 0.026 5.1e-20 1456/5792 0.230 0.222 0.040 0.026 7.9e-09 5.1e-20 756/3027 1456/5792
IGF 1 -0.2383082 0.0283668 0.0000000 Female -0.1827092 -0.2939072 -0.238 0.028 5.3e-17 1449/5772 -0.150 -0.238 0.036 0.028 3.3e-05 5.3e-17 752/3013 1449/5772
Vitamin D -0.4043642 0.0323105 0.0000000 Female -0.3410358 -0.4676927 -0.404 0.033 1.5e-35 1392/5565 -0.357 -0.404 0.044 0.033 9.4e-16 1.5e-35 738/2956 1392/5565
Bioavailable testosterone -0.0409250 0.0200896 0.0416879 Female -0.0015493 -0.0803006 -0.041 0.020 0.042 1064/4220 -0.029 -0.041 0.027 0.020 0.275 0.042 679/2761 1064/4220
Free testosterone -0.0205851 0.0195642 0.2927619 Female 0.0177607 -0.0589308 -0.021 0.020 0.293 1106/4453 -0.026 -0.021 0.026 0.020 0.311 0.293 678/2767 1106/4453
Testosterone -0.0396346 0.0187474 0.0345460 Female -0.0028896 -0.0763795 -0.040 0.019 0.035 1168/4678 -0.027 -0.040 0.025 0.019 0.280 0.035 751/2994 1168/4678
SHBG -0.0225707 0.0262092 0.3891722 Female 0.0287992 -0.0739407 -0.023 0.028 0.389 1323/5212 -0.035 -0.023 0.031 0.028 0.264 0.389 682/2783 1323/5212
Alanine aminotransferase -0.1409599 0.0251099 0.0000000 Female -0.0917446 -0.1901753 -0.141 0.026 2.1e-08 1457/5798 -0.138 -0.141 0.036 0.026 1.3e-04 2.1e-08 755/3029 1457/5798
Albumin -0.0642046 0.0299417 0.0320438 Female -0.0055188 -0.1228904 -0.064 0.030 0.032 1338/5275 -0.081 -0.064 0.039 0.030 0.040 0.032 688/2800 1338/5275
Alkaline phosphatase 0.1487686 0.0273806 0.0000001 Female 0.2024345 0.0951027 0.149 0.028 5.7e-08 1457/5796 0.103 0.149 0.037 0.028 0.005 5.7e-08 758/3030 1457/5796
Aspartate aminotransferase 0.0578253 0.0266927 0.0303181 Female 0.1101429 0.0055077 0.058 0.027 0.030 1452/5772 0.000 0.058 0.038 0.027 0.995 0.030 754/3020 1452/5772
C reactive protein -0.0839135 0.0267741 0.0017306 Female -0.0314363 -0.1363908 -0.084 0.030 0.002 1452/5789 0.021 -0.084 0.038 0.030 0.574 0.002 750/3023 1452/5789
Gamma glutamyltransferase -0.1478597 0.0270909 0.0000000 Female -0.0947615 -0.2009578 -0.148 0.028 5.0e-08 1455/5793 -0.149 -0.148 0.032 0.028 3.6e-06 5.0e-08 757/3026 1455/5793
Direct bilirubin -0.0154163 0.0315130 0.6247159 Female 0.0463492 -0.0771817 -0.015 0.032 0.625 1184/4716 -0.010 -0.015 0.040 0.032 0.799 0.625 704/2844 1184/4716
Total bilirubin -0.0321196 0.0287448 0.2638580 Female 0.0242202 -0.0884595 -0.032 0.029 0.264 1451/5769 -0.013 -0.032 0.037 0.029 0.715 0.264 755/3018 1451/5769
Total protein -0.0438038 0.0307217 0.1539664 Female 0.0164108 -0.1040184 -0.044 0.031 0.154 1337/5272 -0.115 -0.044 0.041 0.031 0.005 0.154 689/2802 1337/5272
Creatinine -0.3668075 0.0220102 0.0000000 Female -0.3236674 -0.4099476 -0.367 0.022 3.2e-61 1456/5793 -0.577 -0.367 0.028 0.022 1.2e-86 3.2e-61 756/3029 1456/5793
Cystatin C 0.3647104 0.0245915 0.0000000 Female 0.4129098 0.3165110 0.365 0.026 4.8e-49 1456/5801 0.285 0.365 0.031 0.026 1.6e-19 4.8e-49 757/3029 1456/5801
eGFR -0.0407539 0.0243187 0.0938163 Female 0.0069109 -0.0884186 -0.041 0.025 0.094 1455/5792 -0.002 -0.041 0.032 0.025 0.952 0.094 755/3028 1455/5792
HbA1c 0.0450948 0.0244823 0.0655259 Female 0.0930800 -0.0028905 0.045 0.025 0.066 1450/5774 -0.040 0.045 0.039 0.025 0.305 0.066 748/3008 1450/5774
Urate -0.1543325 0.0218372 0.0000000 Female -0.1115317 -0.1971334 -0.154 0.023 1.7e-12 1452/5791 -0.176 -0.154 0.029 0.023 8.3e-10 1.7e-12 757/3026 1452/5791
Urea -0.6000758 0.0280218 0.0000000 Female -0.5451531 -0.6549985 -0.600 0.028 1.1e-98 1455/5792 -0.642 -0.600 0.039 0.028 3.7e-58 1.1e-98 757/3029 1455/5792
Calcium -0.0596322 0.0313444 0.0571512 Female 0.0018028 -0.1210672 -0.060 0.031 0.057 1338/5270 -0.111 -0.060 0.041 0.031 0.007 0.057 687/2802 1338/5270
Phosphate 0.0214230 0.0295982 0.4692184 Female 0.0794355 -0.0365895 0.021 0.030 0.469 1335/5264 -0.009 0.021 0.046 0.030 0.847 0.469 688/2791 1335/5264
tot=tot%>%select(Trait, EstimateroundM, ProundM, 
                 sampM, EstimateroundF, ProundF, sampF, everything())

tot=cbind(Category, tot)
               ProundM="P (male)",
               ProundF="P (female)")
               ProundM="P (male)",
               ProundF="P (female)")
tot2=bind_rows(headerM, tot) 
tot3=bind_rows(headerF, tot2) 

#png("forest.sexstrat-BMI.png",width = 12, height =8, units = 'in', res = 600)

tot3 %>% group_by(Sex) %>% 
    forestplot(mean="Estimate", labeltext=c("Category", "Trait", "ProundM", "ProundF"), 
               lower="lower", upper="upper", 
               boxsize = 0.2, 
               ci.vertices = TRUE, 
               ci.vertices.height = 0.05, 
               shapes_gp = fpShapesGp(box = c("darkred", "blue") %>% 
                    lapply(function(x) gpar(fill = x, col = "#555555")), 
                default = gpar(vertices = TRUE)), 
               hrzl_lines = list("2" = gpar(lty = 2)), 
               zero = 0, 
               mar = unit(c(0,0.5,0.2,0.5), "in"),
               xlab = "Standardized veg. effect ± 95% CI", 
               txt_gp = fpTxtGp(xlab  = gpar(cex = 1),
                                ticks = gpar(fontfamily = "", cex = 1)
               fn.ci_norm = c(fpDrawNormalCI, fpDrawCircleCI)
    )%>% fp_set_zebra_style("#F7F7F7")


outplot=tot%>%select(Trait, EstimateroundM, SEroundM, ProundM, sampM,
                 EstimateroundF, SEroundF, ProundF, sampF)
outplot$ProundM = cell_spec(outplot$ProundM, 
            color=ifelse(as.double(outplot$ProundM) <(0.05/30), "#36E072", "grey"))

outplot$ProundF = cell_spec(outplot$ProundF, 
            color=ifelse(as.double(outplot$ProundF) <(0.05/30), "#36E072", "grey"))

colnames(outplot)=c("Trait", "BetaVegm", "SEm", "Pm", "N (veg/non-veg)m","BetaVegf", "SEf", "Pf", "N (veg/non-veg)f")

     kbl(booktabs = T, linesep = "", escape=FALSE,align="l") %>%
  kable_classic_2(full_width = F)
Trait BetaVegm SEm Pm N (veg/non-veg)m BetaVegf SEf Pf N (veg/non-veg)f
Apolipoprotein A -0.127 0.036 3.6e-04 687/2798 -0.051 0.026 0.046 1324/5223
Apolipoprotein B -0.193 0.038 4.5e-07 745/3014 -0.167 0.028 4.9e-10 1452/5772
HDL cholesterol -0.208 0.035 2.5e-09 689/2800 -0.131 0.025 6.9e-08 1337/5275
LDL direct -0.211 0.037 1.5e-08 757/3025 -0.158 0.028 6.8e-09 1455/5783
Lipoprotein A 0.032 0.044 0.470 608/2415 -0.113 0.032 4.7e-04 1166/4653
Cholesterol -0.224 0.038 4.7e-09 758/3030 -0.170 0.027 3.2e-10 1457/5796
Triglycerides 0.230 0.040 7.9e-09 756/3027 0.222 0.026 5.1e-20 1456/5792
IGF 1 -0.150 0.036 3.3e-05 752/3013 -0.238 0.028 5.3e-17 1449/5772
Vitamin D -0.357 0.044 9.4e-16 738/2956 -0.404 0.033 1.5e-35 1392/5565
Bioavailable testosterone -0.029 0.027 0.275 679/2761 -0.041 0.020 0.042 1064/4220
Free testosterone -0.026 0.026 0.311 678/2767 -0.021 0.020 0.293 1106/4453
Testosterone -0.027 0.025 0.280 751/2994 -0.040 0.019 0.035 1168/4678
SHBG -0.035 0.031 0.264 682/2783 -0.023 0.028 0.389 1323/5212
Alanine aminotransferase -0.138 0.036 1.3e-04 755/3029 -0.141 0.026 2.1e-08 1457/5798
Albumin -0.081 0.039 0.040 688/2800 -0.064 0.030 0.032 1338/5275
Alkaline phosphatase 0.103 0.037 0.005 758/3030 0.149 0.028 5.7e-08 1457/5796
Aspartate aminotransferase 0.000 0.038 0.995 754/3020 0.058 0.027 0.030 1452/5772
C reactive protein 0.021 0.038 0.574 750/3023 -0.084 0.030 0.002 1452/5789
Gamma glutamyltransferase -0.149 0.032 3.6e-06 757/3026 -0.148 0.028 5.0e-08 1455/5793
Direct bilirubin -0.010 0.040 0.799 704/2844 -0.015 0.032 0.625 1184/4716
Total bilirubin -0.013 0.037 0.715 755/3018 -0.032 0.029 0.264 1451/5769
Total protein -0.115 0.041 0.005 689/2802 -0.044 0.031 0.154 1337/5272
Creatinine -0.577 0.028 1.2e-86 756/3029 -0.367 0.022 3.2e-61 1456/5793
Cystatin C 0.285 0.031 1.6e-19 757/3029 0.365 0.026 4.8e-49 1456/5801
eGFR -0.002 0.032 0.952 755/3028 -0.041 0.025 0.094 1455/5792
HbA1c -0.040 0.039 0.305 748/3008 0.045 0.025 0.066 1450/5774
Urate -0.176 0.029 8.3e-10 757/3026 -0.154 0.023 1.7e-12 1452/5791
Urea -0.642 0.039 3.7e-58 757/3029 -0.600 0.028 1.1e-98 1455/5792
Calcium -0.111 0.041 0.007 687/2802 -0.060 0.031 0.057 1338/5270
Phosphate -0.009 0.046 0.847 688/2791 0.021 0.030 0.469 1335/5264
Apolipoprotein A -0.127 0.036 3.6e-04 687/2798 -0.051 0.026 0.046 1324/5223
Apolipoprotein B -0.193 0.038 4.5e-07 745/3014 -0.167 0.028 4.9e-10 1452/5772
HDL cholesterol -0.208 0.035 2.5e-09 689/2800 -0.131 0.025 6.9e-08 1337/5275
LDL direct -0.211 0.037 1.5e-08 757/3025 -0.158 0.028 6.8e-09 1455/5783
Lipoprotein A 0.032 0.044 0.470 608/2415 -0.113 0.032 4.7e-04 1166/4653
Cholesterol -0.224 0.038 4.7e-09 758/3030 -0.170 0.027 3.2e-10 1457/5796
Triglycerides 0.230 0.040 7.9e-09 756/3027 0.222 0.026 5.1e-20 1456/5792
IGF 1 -0.150 0.036 3.3e-05 752/3013 -0.238 0.028 5.3e-17 1449/5772
Vitamin D -0.357 0.044 9.4e-16 738/2956 -0.404 0.033 1.5e-35 1392/5565
Bioavailable testosterone -0.029 0.027 0.275 679/2761 -0.041 0.020 0.042 1064/4220
Free testosterone -0.026 0.026 0.311 678/2767 -0.021 0.020 0.293 1106/4453
Testosterone -0.027 0.025 0.280 751/2994 -0.040 0.019 0.035 1168/4678
SHBG -0.035 0.031 0.264 682/2783 -0.023 0.028 0.389 1323/5212
Alanine aminotransferase -0.138 0.036 1.3e-04 755/3029 -0.141 0.026 2.1e-08 1457/5798
Albumin -0.081 0.039 0.040 688/2800 -0.064 0.030 0.032 1338/5275
Alkaline phosphatase 0.103 0.037 0.005 758/3030 0.149 0.028 5.7e-08 1457/5796
Aspartate aminotransferase 0.000 0.038 0.995 754/3020 0.058 0.027 0.030 1452/5772
C reactive protein 0.021 0.038 0.574 750/3023 -0.084 0.030 0.002 1452/5789
Gamma glutamyltransferase -0.149 0.032 3.6e-06 757/3026 -0.148 0.028 5.0e-08 1455/5793
Direct bilirubin -0.010 0.040 0.799 704/2844 -0.015 0.032 0.625 1184/4716
Total bilirubin -0.013 0.037 0.715 755/3018 -0.032 0.029 0.264 1451/5769
Total protein -0.115 0.041 0.005 689/2802 -0.044 0.031 0.154 1337/5272
Creatinine -0.577 0.028 1.2e-86 756/3029 -0.367 0.022 3.2e-61 1456/5793
Cystatin C 0.285 0.031 1.6e-19 757/3029 0.365 0.026 4.8e-49 1456/5801
eGFR -0.002 0.032 0.952 755/3028 -0.041 0.025 0.094 1455/5792
HbA1c -0.040 0.039 0.305 748/3008 0.045 0.025 0.066 1450/5774
Urate -0.176 0.029 8.3e-10 757/3026 -0.154 0.023 1.7e-12 1452/5791
Urea -0.642 0.039 3.7e-58 757/3029 -0.600 0.028 1.1e-98 1455/5792
Calcium -0.111 0.041 0.007 687/2802 -0.060 0.031 0.057 1338/5270
Phosphate -0.009 0.046 0.847 688/2791 0.021 0.030 0.469 1335/5264
#%>%save_kable(file = "table.forest.sexstrat-BMI.png", zoom=5)